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خطاب مفتوح للرفاق بالحركه الاناركيه-كردستان/ An open letter to comrades in the Kurdish anarchist movement from the Libertarian Socialist Movement (Egypt)

[English follows Arabic]imgres

الرفاق الاعزاء بالحركة الاناركية الكرديه
وصلنا عتابكم لنا على تأخرنا في اصدار بيان تضامن مع الشعب الكردي والأقليات بشمال العراق وسوريه والتي تتعرض لهجمة وحشية مخيفه من التنظيم الفاشي المعادي للبشر المسمى (الدوله الإسلاميه بالعراق والشام)، ولعل لكم كل الحق في ذلك العتاب، فقد كنتم دائما سباقين في دعمنا والتواصل معنا كحركة أناركية بمصر، لكن ما منعنا من أصدار مثل ذلك البيان هو شعورنا بعجز الكلمات وتقزمها أمام ما تتعرضون له كشعب وما تتعرض له أقليات شمال العراق وسوريه، فكل ما تعرضنا له من مضايقات لا يساوي شيئا مقارنة بالهول المخيف الذي تتعرضون له، أي بيان يمكننا ان نصدر؟ وأي كلمات يمكنها ان تعبر عما في نفوسنا من غضب وحزن وألم؟ إن بيانات التضامن والإدانه لم تعد تعني شيئا، ولن نقزم مأساتكم بإصدار مجرد بيان إدانة وتضامن، إننا ندرك تماما ان الانتفاضات الشعبية التي سميت (الربيع العربي) على ما شابها من قصور في الوعي وضحالة في الأهداف والأليات كانت زلزالا ارعب ليس فقط الأنظمة الديكتاتورية العميله بالمنطقه، بل اصاب بالذعر القوى الإمبرياليه السلطويه بالعالم كله وهم يشاهدون عدوى تلك الأنتفاضات تنتقل لبلدانهم في الولايات المتحده واليونان وأسبانيا وتركيا وغيرها، كما اصابت تلك الانتفاضات القوى الرجعيه المحليه العميله بالفزع وهددت بعصر جديد تستيقظ فيه الشعوب وتنهض لتأخذ زمام المبادرة بنفسها دون إتكال على حزب أو تنظيم سلطوي، فكان ان سلطت الرأسمالية العالميه سلاحها القديم المجرب جيدا (الفاشيه الدينيه) لتجعلها السلاح الذي يدمر تلك الانتفاضات الشعبيه ويخرجها عن مسارها ويحطم أي امل او طموح لها ويحولها لمطية لوصول تلك الفاشيات للحكم كبديل للفاشيات القوميه والوطنيه التي أهلكتها الشيخوخة والفساد، إن الكيان الإجرامي المسمى (داعش) ليس سوى إعادة إنتاج لكل بشاعة النازيه الهتلريه في ممارسته للتطهير العرقي والمذابح الجماعيه، ذلك الكيان المعادي للبشريه الذي أستخدم لتحطيم الثوره الشعبيه السوريه والقضاء على أي امل لتحرك ثوري شعبي بالعراق، يقوم الان بتدمير شعوب المنطقه نفسها، ماديا ومعنويا عبر المذابح والإباده الجماعيه، متسلطا على الأكراد والمسيحيين واليزيديين وكل الأقليات العرقيه والدينيه بقدر ما يتسلط على الأغلبيه العربيه السنيه مدمرا اياها ومخضعا لها لرؤيته الشيطانيه للعالم Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Anarchists in Egypt, will the real Black Bloc please stand up?

image1382603544-18912-PlaceID-0_s660x390(Note from Tahrir-ICN: Whilst we don’t share all ideas here, and do not think Black bloc Egypt represent Egyptian anarchists,  we find it an informative article on the internal formation of Black Bloc in Egypt which has attracted a lot of Western media attention)

Core members of Egypt’s Black Bloc hardly ever give interviews, adding to the mystery and confusion that surrounds the group. Your Middle East’s Goos Hofstee was able to get one such rare talk. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Libertarian Socialist Movement statement regarding 30 June: Tamarod and the call for June 30

imgres6 October 2013

By Libertarian Socialist Movement. Arabic version here

edited by: Brandon Gray

Nearly two years ago, people went down to the streets with millions opposing the former toppled pres. Mubarak, in a scene that shocked the whole society since this movement was spontaneous, and anti-politics. This enormous wave struck the aged, rotten political elite, the people felt for once they have the power to achieve something, rather than the reformist demands that kept repeating for ages by the elite and liberals, even the islamists. Read the rest of this entry

تسقط الفاشيه العسكريه، تسقط الحرب الاهليه البرجوازيه

بيان الحركه الاشتراكيه التحرريه عن مجزرة 14 أغسطس imgres2013
إنها الفاشية العسكرية تكشف كل بشاعتها بكل وضوح، توجه الضربات تلو الأخرى كوحش مسعور ينهش بأنيابه المسنونة في جسد الأمه، محاولا بإبراز وحشيته وقسوته أن يداري حقيقة خوائه وضعفه وتعفنه الداخلي، الجيش الثالث يعتدي بوحشية على عمال السويس للصلب المضربين معلنا إنحيازه الطبقي الواضح ضد جماهير الكادحين، ذلك الإنحياز الذي أعلنه مرات عديده، ثم إعلان حركة محافظين تضع مقدرات الوطن كله في قبضة حفنة من الجنرالات البيروقراطيين
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EGYPT: Anarchism in Egypt, after the Brotherhood

12.07.2013 by Joshua Stephens

Mohommed Mahmoud St. in Cairo. (WNV/Joshua Stephens)

Mohommed Mahmoud St. in Cairo. (WNV/Joshua Stephens)

The morning after the June 30 uprising that brought down Mohammed Morsi, I did an interview with Mohammed Hassan Aazab as he helped hold down four anarchist tents in one of Cairo’s major sit-ins. Shortly thereafter, the military stepped in, removed Morsi from office, and set about rounding up Islamists and shuttering media outlets deemed to be partial to the Muslim Brotherhood. In some cases they shot party members under arrest, even massacring a number of supporters during prayers. Islamists have responded by blocking the airport road and carrying out low-scale warfare in scattered parts of the country. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: NO MB, NO ARMY: The Revolution Continues

10.07.2013  Blabiush from Tahrir ICN

So you are confused? Maybe because the complexity of every society is
confusing, especially in its turning points and the process of change.
Anyway let’s try to answer some questions and accusations which emerge now and provide another perspective on the current situation. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Goodbye, Welcome, my ‘Revolution’…Egypt, The Military, The Brotherhood & Tamarod

9 July 2013 by mohamed jeanveneuse

Egypt…How do we move? In what direction? How do we do this? There is a consensus of urgency, of impending catastrophes, but what action do we take? Many of us think that if the operators of the system are changed that the situation will be resolved, but that is an illusion. We need to come together immediately and move to create a society that is beyond our current reality. A start would be that we exchange our nouns for verbs. If we say ‘education’, we submit ourselves to someone educating us, but if we change to the verb ‘learn’, we recover the ability for ourselves to learn; for it is we who learn, we who teach ourselves, by reading and experimenting, learning from others who before us have sought different worlds, sending us messages from other worlds, as those Indigenous Rebels who call themselves the Zapatistas, deep inside the Lacandon jungle, before we had even heard of them. We need to find a way that we can all partake in learning, and give away our dependency. So, health becomes healing; how do we heal ourselves? 
The next action is clear. How do we dismantle the State apparatus of repression? By making this apparatus irrelevant. Capitalist production, extraction, and exploitation – how do we eliminate these? By minimizing their need to exist. We are in a structure of domination but how do we urgently dissolve this structure? By making it unnecessary, so that then everything will come into place. After all, just saying ‘no’ is not enough. This ‘no’ has to be accompanied by the creation of alternatives. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Anarchism in Egypt — an interview from Tahrir Square

02 July 2013 by Joshua Stephens

An anarchist tent in Tahrir Square. (WNV/Mohammed Hassan Aazab)

An anarchist tent in Tahrir Square. (WNV/Mohammed Hassan Aazab)

I met Mohammed Hassan Aazab earlier this year over tea at a table of young anarchists in downtown Cairo. The anniversary of the revolution had just passed with massive protests and the emergence of a Western-style black bloc that appeared to have little to do with anarchists in the city. At the time, much of the ongoing grassroots organizing was against sexual violence — in particular, the mob sexual assaults that have become synonymous with any large gathering in Tahrir. The trauma of such violence carried out against protesters was apparent in our conversation. In fact, Aazab told me that he was done with protests and politics, and had resigned himself to the dysfunction of day-to-day life in Egypt. Read the rest of this entry

EGYPT: Egyptian Female Cartoonist Pokes Fun at Fundamentalists

March 29-31, 2013 by MEDEA BENJAMIN

One of the women who spoke at the Women’s Assembly during the World Social Forum in Tunisia was not a political activist, but a cartoonist. Dooa Eladl is 34-year-old Egyptian woman who calls herself a Muslim anarchist. Her work appears in the prominent newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm She has become one of Egypt’s best-known political cartoonists, in a field completely dominated by men. (One of her humorous drawings is a portrait of herself marching to work, her hair tied to the mustaches of four of her male colleagues.)Egyptian Female Cartoonist Pokes Fun at Fundamentalists_html_m328aaa82

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SYRIA: Philosophy behind insurectionist tactics of Black Bloc

2013/2/28  by Mazeen Kamalmaz  (English translation by Amr)

1 – These lines are a try to intensify the experience of the recent “black bloc”. It’s not an attempt to theorize it, nor does to impose my ideological or political stand which -if I was- then it will contradict the core idea of black bloc itself which is anti-force anti oppression and anti-subjection.  Black Bloc as an idea – before it became a tactic and a clash with the forces of oppression – does not belong to any one, it actually belongs to all its members by equal, and also it belongs to the oppressed and forgotten humans everywhere. Black Bloc base are set based on the highest diversity possible, without any hierarchy or a forced organization intellectually, it is a culture founded on the principle of resistance. Read the rest of this entry