Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Anti Climax #1, 1979

All this stuff is copyright so don't rip anything off ok?
Seriously, I was contacted recently by Digital Rights Management hawks hassling about an article in an issue of Grinding Halt - apparently the DRM folk were operating on behalf of Vice Squad and it seems they'd adopted a scatter gun approach - they backed off as soon as it became apparent that I did in fact have full blessing from the creators of the zine - - fucking chancers.
Anyroad, here for your delectation is Anti Climax #1 serving up on a vintage paper platter delights such as: articles on The Adicts, Crass' Feeding of the Five Thousand, Metal Urbain, and Running Dogs; interviews with the UK Subs venerable frontman, Charlie Harper, The Buzzpops; live reviews of The Damned/UK Subs/The Specials, and Penetration/Cowboys International; and some product under scrutiny, namely recordings by The Specials, The Shapes, Wot's for Lunch Mum, Stiff Little Fingers, The Skids, XTC, and The Leyton Buzzards. Short & Sweet & Neat Neat Neat.
Single sided A4 scanned at 400 dpi

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