- published: 21 Sep 2016
- views: 950726
Garut is a town in the West Java province of Indonesia and is the capital of the Garut Regency. It is located about 75 km to the southeast of the major city of Bandung.
The modern history of Garut started on March 2, 1811 when Balubur Limbangan Regency was dissolved by Governor General Herman Willem Daendels, because the area's production of coffee had decreased and the Regent, Tumenggung Wangsakusumah II had refused a command to plant indigo. Balubur Limbangan Regency then comprised 6 districts: Balubur, Malangbong, Wanaraja, Wanakerta, Cibeureum and Papandak.
The Limbangan Regency, which has now become the Garut Regency, was founded by Lieutenant-Governor Stamford Raffles on 16 February 1813. RAA. Adiwijaya, who governed from the 1813 until 1821, was the first Regent of the Garut Regency. He was well known as Dalem Cipeujueh. The town of Suci was originally the capital of the new Limbangan Regency. However it was thought that Suci did not meet the requirements of a capital because the area was crowded and quite narrow.
On the spot may refer to:
Misteri Di Balik Banjir Bandang Garut [ On The Spot Trans7 ]
ASTAGHFIRULLAH !! Banjir Bandang Garut | Detik-Detik Terjadinya Banjir Bandang di Garut 2016
Live - Dahsyatnya Banjir Bandang Cimacan - GARUT 15 Tewas
BANJIR BANDANG GARUT 2016 | Kembali BANJIR TERJANG Garut Cikajang, Ibu & Anak Histeris Rumah Roboh
[INDONESIA TRAVEL SERIES] Jalan2Men 2014 - Garut - Episode 9 (Part 1)
Duka Tanah Pasundan - 15 Foto Menyedihkan Pasca Banjir Bandang Garut #PrayForGarut #DonasiGarut
Presiden Jokowi Hari Ini Kunjungi Korban Banjir Garut - Siapkan Rusun Untuk Relokasi
MasyaAllah !! Ponpes Al Qodar Tak Tersentuh Banjir Bandang Garut, Walau Jarak 10 M di Bibir Sungai
wisata garut
SILUMAN BUAYA DI SUNGAI CIMANUK GARUT MISTERI HOROR TRAGIS 7 Penemuan Benda Misterius [ On The Spot Trans7 ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unSNSJpHSB8 7 Bukti Kutukan Kuno [ On The Spot Trans7 ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lUnlSii8x0 7 Bocah Di Hukum Mati [ On The Spot Trans7 ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0GS7n89tKE 7 Keanehan Di Lokasi Kecelakaan [ On The Spot Trans7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byMgiFco6Fg 7 Sosok Menyeramkan Di Foto Selebriti [On The Spot Trans7 ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmnrHPgfzIQ
ASTAGHFIRULLAH !! Banjir Bandang di Garut | Detik-Detik Terjadinya Banjir Bandang di Garut 2016 Berdasarkan catatan Polda Jabar hingga Rabu (21/9/2016) malam, pukul 20.00 WIB, jumlah korban jiwa Banjir Bandang Garut terus bertambah. "Korban meninggal dunia 23 orang, luka berat 4 orang dan luka ringan 27 orang," kata Kabidhumas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus via pesan singkat yang diterima detikcom pada pukul 20.10 WIB. Dia menyebutkan, proses evakuasi dan identifikasi para korban berlangsung di RS TNI AD Guntur Garut. Dari sekian korban tersebut, sambung Yusri, ditemukan di sejumlah lokasi berbeda yaitu daerah Lapang Paris, Kampung Bojong Larang, Kampung Cimacan, dan Kampung Cisurat. banjir garut september 2016 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩Ϫ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Berlangganan Geratis, Jangan Lupa Subscr...
Live - Dahsyatnya Banjir Bandang Cimacan - GARUT 15 Tewas Twitter : @PangkalanTB FB : https://www.facebook.com/TukangBecakChannel http://blogtukangbecak.blogspot.com/ Blog Tukang Becak http://blogtukangbecak.blogspot.com Mobile Ready JOKOWI AHOK JAKARTA JOKOWI AHOK PRABOWO SBY
BANJIR BANDANG GARUT 2016 | Kembali BANJIR TERJANG Garut Cikajang, Ibu dan Anak Histeris Rumah Roboh Sumber Video: https://www.facebook.com/100011651587238/videos/233848423680209/ Para Ibu dan Anak Menangis Melihat Detik Detik Rumahnya Roboh Kejadian di Kecamatan Cikajang, terjadi 23 September Sore Sore Pukul 15.00 wib, 93 Rumah Warga di Cikajang Garut Terendam Akibat Hujan Deras Kawasan Cikajang, Kabupaten Garut kembali diterjang banjir akibat curah hujan yang cukup tinggi. Sekurangnya 93 rumah warga terendam banjir karena volume air meningkat. "Banjir menimpa RW, 3,4,5,6,7 sampai malam ini sebagian rumah masih terendam air," ujar Kasi Kesiapsiagaan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Garut, Tubagsu Agus Sofyan di Makodim 0611 Garut, Jum'at (23/9/2016). Selain h...
Karena ingin mengenal Naya lebih jauh lagi, Jebraw dan Tim JJM pun singgah ke Kota Garut, yang punya hubungan sangat erat sama Naya. Apakah Jebraw berhasil bikin Naya terpukau? Tonton aja yuk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1qfEvHqSZU Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePN03lpBYxw Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iam31yGGJKg Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f52T1aVNbOI Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBkdMtb4vcQ Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzSGP36Jhk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Kampung Naga - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
Pembalap Cantik Riska Cibel Meninggal Akibat Kecelakaan: https://youtu.be/-Wf463RM_Uw Dulu Jokowi dibilang Pencitraan, Sekarang Banyak yang meniru gayanya: https://youtu.be/mk_JN1o_IdU 40 Pemain Timnas di AFF 2016: https://youtu.be/7mxwZ1b__Zs Misteri Sumur Maut Lubang Buaya: https://youtu.be/rB8uK3o_KZE Daftar Pemain Timnas Senior Indonesia di AFF 2016 November mendatang: https://youtu.be/gsiaaO-lBVE Indonesia menang telak 3 - 0 atas Malaysia: https://youtu.be/ulU0EkFRnMY Jelang AFF Senior 2016: https://youtu.be/If38Rva68s8 Prediksi: Indonesia vs Thailand (Laga Pembuka AFF 2016) Anda semua telah mendukung Timnas Indonesia! #IndonesiaJuaraAFF2016 JOE TASLIM: https://youtu.be/hK8r5NnPGu8 Panen Ular Banyak banget di Pohon: https://youtu.be/jTyY27F-PuQ KRONOLOGI BANJIR BANDANG G...
Ayo kita merevolusi mental sesuai himbauan Pak Jokowi... Saling menghargai dalam berkomentar. Komentar spam akan langsung dihapus bahkan banned. Terima kasih untuk dukungannya kawan-kawan... Kami hargai bila ikut share, like & komentar........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( SALAM.................... SUKSES PRESIDEN JOKO WIDODO
MasyaAllah Ponpes Al Qodar Garut Tak Tersentuh Banjir Bandang garut, Septermber 2016 Walau Jarak 10 M di Bibir Sungai Di antara bangunan dan infrastuktur yang porak poranda akibat banjir bandang Kabupaten Garut, ada satu bangunan yang kendati berletak di bibir sungai Cimanuk, namun sama sekali tak tersentuh banjir bandang tersebut. Bangunan itu Pondok Pesantren Salafi Al-Qodar. Berlokasi di bibir sungai Cimanuk ( 10 meter-Red) tepatnya di Kampung Lebak Siuh, Pesantren ini tetap kokoh berdiri, padahal di sekitar Ponpes tersebut porak poranda, bahkan jembatan yang menghubungkan ke Ponpes pun ambruk tergerus derasnya air. Sumber: https://www.islampos.com/ponpes-al-qodar-garut-tetap-kokoh-dan-tak-tersentuh-banjir-bandang-306294/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩Ϫ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Berlangganan Geratis, Jangan...
lagu garut
Tour Guide Garut Best and Most Experienced as can be seen from a variety of photo and video documentation already published several years ago, HDG Team Trip Planner is a pioneer and the pioneer of the publication and dissemination of the tourism sector so that the positive side can be felt by the various parties at this time, CV success as a hotel in Garut Garut Travel Agents trusted by national and multinational companies began marketing techniques followed by the follower, but HDG Team Trendsetter not a follower;) , (http://www.hdgteam.com) or (http://www.garuttourguide.com/).
Subscribes Us On http://www.youtube.com/c/HdGNewsV24 website: (http://www.tempatwisatagarut.com/) Streaming Online TV berisi informasi tempat wisata dan berita kota Garut by Trip Planner & Event Organizer HDG Team : Master Outbound, Fun Games Trainer, Tour Leader, Tour Guide dan Pemandu Wisata di Garut
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Tour Guide Garut Best and Most Experienced as can be seen from a variety of photo and video documentation already published several years ago, HDG Team Trip Planner is a pioneer and the pioneer of the publication and dissemination of the tourism sector so that the positive side can be felt by the various parties at this time, CV success as a hotel in Garut Garut Travel Agents trusted by national and multinational companies began marketing techniques followed by the follower, but HDG Team Trendsetter not a follower;) , (http://www.hdgteam.com) or (http://www.garuttourguide.com/).
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An artificial season
Covered by summer rain
Losing all my reason
Cause there's nothing left to blame
Shadows paint the sidewalk
A living picture in a frame
See the sea of people
All their faces look the same
So I sat down for awhile
Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Plain talk can be the easy way
Signs of losing my faith
Losing my faith
Plain talk can be the easy way
Signs of losing my faith
Losing my faith
So I sat down for awhile
Yeah, Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Yeah, Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
So I sat down for awhile
Yeah, Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Yeah, Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime