- published: 15 Apr 2017
- views: 50
Hagen (German pronunciation: [ˈhaːɡən]) is the 41st-largest city in Germany, located in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is located on the south eastern edge of the Ruhr area, 15 km south of Dortmund, where the rivers Lenne and Volme (met by the river Ennepe) meet the river Ruhr. As of 31 December 2010 the population was 188,529. The city is home to the FernUniversität Hagen, which is the only state funded distance education university in Germany. Counting more than 67,000 students (March 2010), it is the largest university in Germany.
Hagen was first mentioned ca. 1200, presumably the name of a farm at the junction of the Volme and the Ennepe. After the conquest of Burg Volmarstein in 1324, Hagen passed to the County of Mark. In 1614 it was awarded to the Margraviate of Brandenburg according to the Treaty of Xanten. In 1701 it became part of the Kingdom of Prussia.
After the defeat of Prussia in the Fourth Coalition, Hagen was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Berg from 1807–13. In 1815 it became part of the new Prussian Province of Westphalia.
Globes (Hebrew: גלובס) is a Hebrew-language daily evening financial newspaper founded in the early 1980s and published in Israel. It deals with economic issues and news from the Israeli and international business worlds, and is the oldest financial newspaper in Israel. The color of the paper is pink, inspired by the British Financial Times.
According to TGI 2009 media survey Globes′ market share rose 15% over the year to 4.4%. Its main competitors in printed media are TheMarker of the Haaretz group and Calcalist published by Yedioth Ahronoth Group. Since 1997 Globes has an online version.
The daily paper founded by Haim Bar-On, the publisher of the newspaper, on the basis of a small, Haifa-based financial newspaper, in partnership with businessman Eliezer Fishman. Fishman in recent years also bought a stake in Yedioth Ahronoth.
Following the success of Globes, it had a competitor in the form of Telegraph, which had a lower subscription price and was also printed on Saturday. Telegraph was closed after several years. A few years later, the Schocken Media Network published TheMarker economic newspaper as a competitor to Globes.
Hagen Keller @ Nacht der Museen Duesseldorf 2017
Hagen Keller - irgendetwas wird geschehen
Hagen Keller
Terrassensanierung - Kellerdeckenabdichtung - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen
Rohrerneuerung im Kellerboden - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen - Dortmund
Kellerfenster Sanierung - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen
Außen - Kellerwand Abdichtung in Felsgestein - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen - Iserlohn
Außenwandsanierung, Drainage mit Pumpenschacht Einbau - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen
Hagen Keller
Wasserrohrbruch in Hagen-Boele - Wassermassen lassen Straße zerbersten, Autos versinken
Kellersanierung mit Brunnen - Firma K.Timreck Hagen, Dortmund, Videoservice-Webdesign
Feuchtigkeitsschaden in Kellerwohnung beseitigen Firma K.Timreck - Hagen - Dortmund
Feuchte Keller nasse Wände Abdichten oder
Außenwand abdichten - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen - Dortmund
Feuchte Keller durch falsch eigebaute Drainage und Tauchpumpe - Firma K.Timreck Hagen
Lasertag @ Planet Lasertag Oberhausen #1
Kellerabdichtung - Wasserschaden K.Timreck - Hagen - Dortmund
Kunststoffmülltonne brannte im Keller eines Mehrfamilienhauses in Hagen-Altenhagen
Naturstein Außenwandsanierung - Firma K.Timreck - Hagen
Hagen Keller
Hagen Keller @ Nacht der Museen Duesseldorf 2017
Hagen Keller
Meer is nich - ganzer Film auf Deutsch
Trailer: "Der Tod ist unser ganzes Leben" | Tatort
Actors: Heather Wakehouse (actress), Kit Koenig (actress), Josh Rengert (actor), Beau Hilliard (producer), Vincente Aguilera (writer), Beau Hilliard (writer), Vincente Aguilera (director), Matt Yetter (actor), Beau Hilliard (actor), Vincente Aguilera (producer), Chloe Francis (actor), Michael Aguilera (actor), Vincent Aguilera (editor), Mitchell Alfonso (actor), Victor Bolin (actor),
Genres: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama,Hagen Keller Performance / Nacht der Museen Duesseldorf 2017 @Worringerstrasse57
Sanierung einer Ketterabdichtung
Hagen Keller Hagen Keller (* 2.Mai 1937 in Freiburg i.Br.) ist ein deutscher Historiker, der die Geschichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters erforscht.Vor allem arbeitet er über das Zeitalter der Ottonen, die italienischen Stadtkommunen und die Schriftkultur im Mittelalter. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Kloster Reichenau; Lizenz: Public domain ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
Wassermassen stürzen sintflutartig die Niedernhofstraße hinunter, lassen die Straße aufplatzen, Autos zum Teil versinken, überfluten Schrebergärten. ZDF "hallo deutschland" und ARD "BRISANT" berichteten am 25.09.2017 mit unserem Material. Wasserrohrbruch in Hagen-Boele - Wassermassen lassen Straße zerbersten, Autos versinken Betroffene / Geschädigte mögen sich bitte mit der ENERVIE in Verbindung setzen, wie uns Pressereferent Andreas Köster im Interview (Filmbeitrag) mitgeteilt hat. Ein Wasserrohrbruch sorgte in Boele am Sonntagnachmittag für Überschwemmungen. Eine Hauptersorgungsleitung mit 50cm Durchmesser war an fast der höchsten Stelle in der Niedernhofstraße geplatzt, das Wasser schoss mit 5 - 6 bar in einer Fontäne aus dem Boden. Dabei riss der Asphalt auf und wurde weg gespült, ...
Trockene Wände durch feuchtigkeits-regulierende Putze. Basierend auf seiner einzigartigen Porengeometrie gibt es Putze die Kapillar hoch aktiv sind, oder durch Temperierung mit tem- Isoklima System von eiwa. Beratung vor Ort mit Fachwissen & Erfahrung unter: www.lehm-waldemar-eider.de Baustoffe unter : www.eiwa-lehmbau.de Trockenlegung Mauerwerk mit feuchteregulierenden Materialien; ökologisch einwandfreie Materialen zum trocknen von Mauerwerk. oder mit Temperierung System Isoklima. Im Keller nimmt man eine Kalkfarbe -die Kalkfarbe sind wischfest, kein abweißeln der Kalkfarbe. Schimmelpilz, Salze, Sandsteine, Innendämmung, Wandheizung, Keller, Schimmelfarbe, Mauertrocknung, Bautrocknung Beratung vor Ort. Praktische Tipps vom BAUCOACH Waldemar Eider aus der Fernsehsendung "...
Das Video ist im Planet Lasertag in Oberhausen entstanden. Es war sehr witzig und ist jeden nur zu empfehlen. Homepage: www.planet-lasertag.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Planet-Lasertag-Oberhausen Adresse: Im Lipperfeld 18 Oberhausen Tel. : 0208 62036693
Hagen, 08.10.2014 - (fb) Am Dienstagabend brannte im Keller eines Mehrfamilienhauses an der Boeler Straße eine Plastikmülltonne. Die Bewohner wurden von der Feuerwehr ins Freie gebracht, Menschen kamen nicht zu Schaden.
Hagen Keller Performance / Nacht der Museen Duesseldorf 2017 @Worringerstrasse57
Hagen Keller Hagen Keller (* 2.Mai 1937 in Freiburg i.Br.) ist ein deutscher Historiker, der die Geschichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters erforscht.Vor allem arbeitet er über das Zeitalter der Ottonen, die italienischen Stadtkommunen und die Schriftkultur im Mittelalter. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Kloster Reichenau; Lizenz: Public domain ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
Sendetermin: So, 30.04.17 | 20:15 Uhr Offizieller "Tatort"-Kanal: http://s.daserste.de/2juBEku Kanal-Abo - Keinen "Tatort" verpassen: http://s.daserste.de/2lu6t6t Bildquelle: BR / X Filme / Hagen Keller Den "Tatort" in voller Länge finden Sie ab Ausstrahlung 7 Tage von 20 Uhr bis 6 Uhr hier im einzig offiziellen YouTube-Kanal. Trailer, Specials und ganze Folgen finden Sie auch unter http://www.daserste.de/tatort
https://www.expedia.com/Vancouver.d178315.Destination-Travel-Guides Vancouver’s breezes carry the scents of nature and aromas of all the urban delights you’d expect from a city regularly voted, “the Worlds most livable”. The city takes its name from the British navigator who landed here in 1792. The original settlement was called “Gastown”, in honor of Gassy Jack, who built the city’s first tavern. Gassy Jack and his makeshift pub may be long gone, but in the historic neighborhood of Gastown, his spirit lingers on. Vancouver’s early history continues at Waterfront Station, the western terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The railway’s construction brought Chinese workers by the thousands, whose descendants have enriched Vancouver ever since. Experience this interweaving of cultu...
https://www.expedia.com/explore/south-korea/seoul.d178308 Welcome to Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Start your adventure at the K-Style Hub, a state-of-the-art visitor centre where South Korea’s past, present and future converge. At the head of Gwanghwamun Square sits the statue of Sejong the Great, whose reign oversaw a golden age of literature, science and technology. The great leader sits before the grandest of Seoul’s five royal palaces, Gyeongbokgung, the Palace of Shining Happiness. A short bus or subway ride to the east, are the adjoining palaces of Changdeokgung and Changgyeongung, while just to the south at Deoksugung Palace, see the changing of the guard which takes place three times each day. Just to the west, is the last of Seoul’s great palaces, Gyeonghuigung, a royal...
https://www.expedia.com/Cape-Town.d6046820.Destination-Travel-Guides Cape Town sits on South Africa’s Cape Peninsula, where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge. Begin your adventure at The Castle of Good Hope, the centerpoint from which the city grew. Nearby you’ll find Company’s Garden, the Parliament Building, and the South African Museum. Don’t miss the District Six Museum, which gives voice to the 60,000 non-white residents who saw their vibrant multi-racial neighborhood flattened during the darkest days of the Apartheid era. One neighborhood that was spared from apartheid’s wrecking ball is Bo-Kaap, where traditional Cape Malay culture continues amid the row houses of this colorful hillside suburb. Visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, and explore attr...
Hey Loves, Thanks for Watching! Here are some of my programs that you might be interested in! TRAVEL GUIDE http://bit.ly/ 6 WEEK SHRED CHALLENGE begins the 13th of November https://www.bodiesbyrachel.com.au/programs/6-week-shred-challenge/ 8 WEEK MACRO COACHING PROGRAM whttps://www.bodiesbyrachel.com.au/8-week-macro-coaching/ A DAY EATING WHILST TRAVELLING Where possible I will fast (Intermittent fasting-I will do a separate vlog on this) I don’t do it every day but if I can I will fast for 14-16 hours. The benefits of IM are amazing! First Meal Protein powder, Greens, Collagen, Nurtikane and Almond Butter. Meal 2 (pre Workout) Apple, Carrots and Protein Yoghurt Workout Post Workout Protein Shake Meal 3 Barramundi, quinoa, and vegetables. Meal 5 (biggest meal) Chicken Brea...
Join me for 10 minutes around the coolest city in Europe - and discover the places people in Copenhagen go!
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retains a great deal of its ancient charm. To see some of this long-established glamour, make your way to Kyoto Tower. Just two miles east of the tower is Gion, an entertainment quarter and home to many of Kyoto’s famous geishas. As you walk east through Gion, you’ll find even more old architecture, including several Ryokan, or traditional Japanese inns. Many date back to the Edo period, which ranged from 1603 to 1868. During your Kyoto tour, take a rickshaw ride to the Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka districts, where cars are prohibited and traditional teahouses and temples adorn the nearby landscape. Kyoto is known as “The City of Ten Th...
Photographs of the city of Hagen and surrounding areas, located in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. The song is called Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod.
http://www.expedia.com.au/Wellington.d6127327.Destination-Travel-Guides Wellington is the political, cultural and culinary capital of Aotearoa as the Māori call New Zealand. The compact city spills out of the mountains and overlooks Cook Strait. In the world's southernmost capital fresh ocean winds seem to bring in waves of creativity. Civic Square is an eclectic mix of artworks and houses the elegant Town Hall, while Cuba Street is the place to go for shopping. The waterfront is dotted with craft beer bars and restaurants. The country's cultural heritage is explained in the beloved Te Papa National Museum. Other good museums in Wellington are the Carter Observatory and the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. On the Miramar Peninsula, the Weta Workshop shows paraphernalia of famous Sir P...
Journey around Papua New Guinea (PNG) including Port Moresby, the middle Sepik River, the Mt. Hagen Cultural Show (singsing) and Tari. __________________________________________________________________ Note: Travelogues and more videos available at http://travelogues.x10.mx/
Welcome to Montreal, Canada. This extraordinary city, which began life as a French colony in the 1600s, is now a stunning metropolis combining old-world architecture with modern dashes. When Mark Twain visited Montreal in the 19th century, he was so taken by its many churches that he nicknamed it “The City of 100 Bell Towers.” These numerous buildings are often part of Montreal sightseeing; marvel at the imposing stone façade of Christ Church Cathedral, or stand beneath the great arched ceiling of the beautiful Notre Dame Basilica. You can spend days exploring the city’s many sacred spaces, but Montreal tourism is so much more than that; if you’re a foodie, you’re in luck, because the residents of Montreal adore a good meal, whether it’s poutine from a streetside bistro or fresh produce f...
http://www.expedia.com.au/Adelaide.d6051330.Destination-Travel-Guides Adelaide is the capital of South Australia and is situated close to the Great Southern Ocean. It is a compact beachside city that is full of churches, stone buildings and beautiful parklands. This picturesque city is unusual amongst Australian cities in that it was founded by free settlers, not convicts. Those early founders put a lot of passion into creating a better life for themselves even though they were many thousands of miles from home. Because of that history, Adelaide has a unique sense of refinement and beauty. One of the most popular places to visit is Victoria Square which is right in the heart of the city. From here, it is easy to wander along the North Terrace District and admire the graceful building...
Welcome to Copenhagen, Denmark! This stunning place is also called “The City of Spires,” and after arriving here, you’ll see why. A tour of Copenhagen reveals cobblestone streets, beautiful canals, and many 16th and 17th-century buildings crowned by the aforementioned spires. Don’t let the archaic exterior of these buildings fool you; they house very modern restaurants, theaters, and shops, and you can easily spend days sampling seafood and coffees at the various eateries. One of Copenhagen’s most beloved attractions is Tivoli Gardens, a theme park that dates back to 1843. Watch a pantomime, ride one of the oldest roller coasters, or just enjoy a trip in a dragon boat. After a few hours at Tivoli Gardens, continue your Copenhagen sightseeing in the city proper. Copenhagen is like someth...
https://www.expedia.com/Hong-Kong.d178263.Destination-Travel-Guides Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities. Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun. Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main busin...
https://www.expedia.com/Lima.d178277.Destination-Travel-Guides Lima gives access to the mystical city of Machu Picchu in the Andes, Lake Titicaca in the highlands, the lush Amazon jungle and Peru’s coastal desert. But, before you go to see all of this, it’s worth exploring the capital first. Just like Peru’s landscapes, Lima is a city of contrasts: rich and poor, ancient and modern, practical and elegant, fascinating and entertaining. In Lima’s Historic Center is the Plaza de Armas, also known as the Plaza Mayor. This is where the Spanish explorer founded Lima and the Lima Cathedral, contains the tomb of Francisco Pizarro. Next door, the Government Palace is still the official seat of government today. Outside of the city center are many more visitor attractions. The Bajada de los Baños...
São Paulo, one of the world’s most populated cities, is Brazil’s exciting hub of business, culture, creativity and hospitality. ‘Sampa’ was founded in 1554, at the spot of the historic Pátio do Colégio. Once home to the region’s first main Catholic Church, the central Praça da Sé now houses the towering Metropolitan Cathedral. Two beautiful historic buildings have been transformed into Cultural Centers: The Banco do Brazil and the Júlio Prestes Train Station. While the city’s most esteemed museums are the São Paulo Museum of Art, on the famous Avenida Paulista, and the Pinacoteca do Estado. The Viaduto Santa Ifigenia, an art nouveau bridge, leads pedestrians to the ornate Municipal Theatre, with its impressive Sala São Paulo concert hall. Don’t miss Ibirapuera Park, which is home to ...
Ho Chi Minh City, on the southern tip of Vietnam, is one of South East Asia’s emerging boom cities. Still affectionately known by many as Saigon, this is Vietnam’s largest city and its economic engine room. Ho Chi Minh City has an irrepressible soul and an entrepreneurial energy that hums day and night. Despite almost a century of colonialism and brutal conflict, today this city is renowned for its warm hospitality, which even extends to former foes. A youthful enthusiasm flows through this city, just like the stream of scooters, motorbikes and cars that flow endlessly through its chaotic streets. In Ho Chi Minh City, it feels as though the future has arrived… and yet the past is never far away. Wide boulevards built during the French colonial era are lined with cutting edge skyscrapers...
Papua New Guinea Wahgi Show Mt Hagen Western Highlands Province Rondon Ridge Wahgi Guest House Karawari Lodge- East Sepik Province Ambua Lodge Tari Southern Highlands Province Airways Hotel Port Moresby V Australia LAX-BNE-LAX Air Niugini BNE-POM-BNE Charter flights Trans Niugini Tours Fri 10 June Fly with Air Niugini to Mt Hagen. Afternoon Tour. Overnight Rondon Ridge Sat 11 June Road transfer to Nondugl. Full Day Wahgi Show. Overnight Wahgi Guest House Sun 12 June Full Day Wahgi Show. Road transfer to Mt Hagen. Overnight Rondon Ridge Mon 13 June Charter flight to Karawari. Afternoon Tour. Overnight Karawari Lodge Tue 14 June Full Day Tour. Overnight Karawari Lodge Wed 15 June Charter flight to Tari. Overnight Ambua Lodge Thu 16 June Full Day Tour. Overnight Ambua Lodge Fri 17 June...