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Kidspot Lifestyle

Career and money

Whether you’re a working mum or at home with the kids (still working!), here’s all you need to know about juggling careers, children and money. Get on top of your finances with our great budget tips.

Want to add to your skills but not sure where to start? Read our clever tips and ideas to help you make the first step to being even more wonderful than you already are!

How to raise a baby, work from home, AND find time for yourself

The ultimate working from home guide

Forget working mum vs. SAHM. This is the real fight we should be having.

How to write a killer lifestyle blog post

When will companies offer more realistic work options for mums?

Having a baby changed everything, even my job!

How mums make money on maternity leave

Woman's hilarious job proposal goes viral

Meet the woman giving her staff unlimited, paid annual leave