pregnancy testing
What does pregnancy testing involve? Find out just what having a pregnancy test means and the different ways you can have one.
Tests you may be offered in pregnancy
Many tests will be performed during your pregnancy as a part of a routine exam. In addition to these standard tests, there are additional...more
Ask the midwife: What happens at the 20 week ultrasound?
Our midwife explains what happens at the 20 week ultrasound (also known as the morphology scan). more
Cervical dilation: What is it and why should I care?
It’s time we gave our collective cervixes the recognition they so duly deserve. Here’s why. more
The pros and cons of finding out your unborn baby's sex
When you’re pregnant, everyone seems to have an opinion on everything you do, from what you eat and drink to your birth plan and...more
To find out your baby’s sex, or not to find out, that is the question
Bianca Wordley and her husband have three children and with each pregnancy they approached the much-debated gender reveal differently....more
Blood test could diagnose postnatal depression before birth
Promising research shows there could be a biological link for PND, meaning mothers can get the support they need before they even...more
Why you should be tested for the cystic fibrosis gene
Cystic fibrosis is the most common inherited life-limiting genetic condition in Australia, with a child born with CF every four...more
Calculating your pregnancy due date
Your baby will spend around 38 weeks inside your uterus. Though the average length of pregnancy is always calculated at 40 weeks....more
No matter how you choose to test for pregnancy, every different brand and type of pregnancy tests looks for the presence of hCG...more
Wondering if you should have an NT scan during your pregnancy? Are they necessary for all pregnant mums or only for older mums?...more
Depending on your cultural background, you, your partner, or the combination of you together, could mean that there genetic testing...more
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Chorionic villus sampling, or CVS, is performed when there are concerns in pregnancy that a baby has a genetic disorder, such as...more