Third trimester
Now you’re in the third trimester of pregnancy, you’ll want to know everything you can about your body and your baby in those final few weeks before birth.
Your baby's progress - Week 27
Baby is becoming plumper as fat deposits under his skin and he is possibly weighing up to 1kg. more
Your baby's progress - Week 28
Your little womb-tenant will be making her presence well and truly obvious by now, and things are starting to get cramped enough...more
Your baby's progress - Week 29
Baby’s brain, organs and body fat continue to develop this week, and he probably weighs around 1.25kg or so and will be longer than...more
Your baby's progress - Week 30
Now that you’re in the final trimester, your little baby will start to kick and punch in more noticeable places. more
Your baby's progress - Week 31
Congratulations on growing baby to this point – he now has a 90% survival rate, if he is born prematurely. more
Your baby's progress - Week 32
That little gymnast who has taken up residence in your womb should now spending longer stretches of time snoozing and making slower,...more
Your baby's progress - Week 33
Baby is possibly starting to feel squeezed by now! more
Your baby's progress - Week 34
Congratulations on baking that baby as well as you have been! more
Your baby's progress - Week 35
Baby’s digestive system is putting on its finishing touches in preparation to take baby’s first meal in a few weeks’ time – drops...more
Your baby's progress - Week 36
By now baby could weigh around 2.6kg and measure about 47 cm from head to toe. B more
Your baby's progress - Week 37
Baby is all ready to rock and roll his way down the birth canal – though that doesn’t mean he’s finished growing and developing. more
Your baby's progress - Week 38
There’s not much new going on in your belly besides more preparation for life outside the womb for baby. more
Your baby's progress - Week 39
Baby’s weight and height may have tapered off as she awaits the arrival of her birthday. more
Your baby's progress - Week 40
By now, your baby is baked to perfection, thanks to all your loving care. more