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Everything you need to know about finding a Renovation Interior Designer

Your lifestyle is one of the most important things so if yours isn’t quite what you’d like it to be, don’t go to all the hassle of moving. A renovation can drastically improve your lifestyle, especially if you get the help of an interior designer. Read on for more.

About Renovations

Renovating is an ideal choice if you have a home that’s in the perfect area but isn’t quite right for you needs. Renovating can greatly add to the value of your home as well if it is done right. It can be quite daunting to do it yourself but an interior designer can take all of the hassle out of the equation. Here are some services and advice that an interior designer can provide:

  • Space planning
  • Design service
  • Project management
  • Moving structural elements to better suit your needs
  • Advice on colour schemes
  • Advice on the right furniture to suit your home
  • Designing kitchens and bathrooms to be easier to use and more attractive
  • Advice and selection of materials and finishes
  • How to make the home more environmentally sustainable
  • What soft furnishings to use

The interior designer will work to your budget, whether that caters for a simple redecoration or a full makeover.

Why Use an Interior Designer for Renovations?

An interior designer is different to an interior decorator as they are qualified to make structural changes to a home, which can be very useful in a renovation. Your interior designer should be appropriately qualified and be experienced in renovations. Ask to see their portfolio of previous work so you can see their style and if you are likely to “mesh” with them and feel comfortable. Also ask exactly what services they provide and what their services cost.

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