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Everything you need to know about finding a Carpet Installer

You’ve picked out your new carpet, and it’s arriving at your place soon. All you need is to get it installed. A carpet layer is the right person to do it for you and you can hire one yourself, or use one that is supplied by the carpet company. Here’s some more information.

What You Need to Know About Carpet Installation

If you are having new carpet laid in your home, you will need the help of a professional carpet layer. The first thing you will need to do is find out if they will move your furniture if necessary or if you will have to do it yourself. Also find out if they will dispose of the old carpet for you if your new carpet is a replacement.

To ensure that the room or home is ready for the new carpet, vacuum the room and make sure that the floor is clean. Ideally, carpet will be laid after any other renovation work such as painting. The carpet layer will then begin the process of laying the new carpet, ensuring that joins and seams are as few as possible, and that joins are placed in the most appropriate area. The carpet layer will also ensure that the carpet is properly stretched so that there are no bulges or wrinkles in your new carpet.

Once installation is complete, they will give the carpet a vacuum to remove any loose fibres and give you hints on how best to maintain your new carpet. You should ventilate the area where the carpet is installed for the first 48 to 72 hours in order to remove the smells given off by the new carpet.

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