Maheish GirriCuenta verificada


सांसद, पूर्वी दिल्ली व राष्ट्रीय मंत्री, भाजपा | MP, East Delhi & National Secretary, BJP | | |

New Delhi, India
Se unió en diciembre de 2011
Nació el 08 de febrero

@MaheishGirri está bloqueado

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  1. Retwitteado por

    Cost of Solar energy is less than that of conventional energy. A strong plea for adopting solar in rural areas

  2. Retwitteado por

    As voting begins for Assam & West Bengal, we urge voters to turn out in large numbers & cast their votes.

  3. India to have a 5 layer ‘lock’ for Pakistan border; centre makes an elaborate plan to completely stop infiltration

  4. My sincere request to all voters of Assam & Bengal to vote for growth, development and prosperity of their states.

  5. Really..!!!??? For such issues, always..

  6. Retwitteado por

    This day when I voted for & . Two years on, everyday they are proving, my decision was right. Lage Raho.

  7. अमेरिका-भारत रक्षा सहयोग पर प्रभाव डालेगा मेक-इन-इंडिया : कार्टर

  8. जब पनामा पेपर्स का ब्योरा सामने आएगा तो कांग्रेस जश्न नहीं मना पाएगी: जेटली

  9. Kerala Temple Fire: PM visits Kollam to take stock of the situation via NMApp

  10. PMs statement after visiting Kollam and taking stock of the situation after fire accident in Paravur, Kerala

  11. Infographic: Impact of FDI In Financial Progress via NMApp

  12. Infographic: Impact of FDI In Financial Progress via NMApp

  13. Infographic: Reformed Governance Mechanism via NMApp

  14. Retwitteado por

    - We will incentivise Agro-forestry outside protected forest area.

  15. Retwitteado por

    - We will convert degraded forest to moderate & dense forest through PPP.

  16. Retwitteado por
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  18. Retwitteado por

    In Financial Express, today.

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