Childcare worker investigated after threatening toddler's mother

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An early childhood teacher has been censured for serious misconduct after she threatened the mother of a young child.

Ngametuaangai Tuaputa, the former head teacher at the Kauri Kids centre in Auckland, told the mother: "Watch your back, I know where you and your son live."

The Education Council's complaints assessment committee began investigating Tuapata following a complaint from the mother over the June 2015 incident.

On that day, the mother dropped her son off at the centre at 9.15am on June 19.

However, the drop-off time was changed to 8.30am in the centre's records, meaning the mother would be charged for additional time.

Tuaputa insisted the mother had actually dropped her son off at 8.30am even after being confronted with CCTV footage which proved otherwise.

The pair got into a heated argument, and the mother said she felt threatened by Tuaputa's language and raised voice. The mother's version of events was backed up by other staff members who were nearby at the time.

She later laid a complaint about Tuaputa's behaviour.

The committee uncovered a raft of other allegations against Tuaputa when it began investigating her for misconduct.


They included claims that she had force-fed children their bottles, that she had fed sugary foods to children despite parents' wishes, that she belittled the children and bullied other staff, and that she had allowed a teacher to start working before she'd been vetted by police.

The New Zealand Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal decided there was not enough evidence to support some of the charges, and that others did not meet the threshold for serious misconduct, with the exception of the altercation with the mother in June 2015.

It noted that Tuaputa "has had a relatively lengthy career, and that she was held in sufficient professional regard by Kauri Kids to be promoted to head teacher".

The tribunal ordered her to complete a professional development program with a focus on developing and maintaining respectful relationships.

It rejected a submission from the complaints assessment committee that she should also complete an anger management course.

Tuaputa is now employed by the Te Tuareka Good Story Trust, which supported her through the tribunal's hearing.