Borrowing to invest in fixed interest

It appears the US Federal Reserve chaired by Janet Yellen will raise interest rates at its next meeting in December.
It appears the US Federal Reserve chaired by Janet Yellen will raise interest rates at its next meeting in December. AP
by Alexandra Cain

If there's one defining feature of investment markets at the moment, it's the all-encompassing chase for yield.

Unimpressed with lacklustre capital growth, investors have become obsessed with income. But there are serious question marks over whether it makes sense to borrow to invest in an asset class that has traditionally produced low returns.

Most people think about fixed interest securities, which are usually bonds, purely in terms of yield. In other words, make the assumption the bond will be held till maturity, with no capital growth.

In general and not taking into consideration other factors such as tax, you would borrow to invest only if the return on the investment was expected to be higher than the cost to borrow.

Almost certainly, yields on government bonds and bonds issued by large corporations with good credit ratings will not exceed the costs of borrowing at any interest rate level.

For investors looking at bonds purely as yield investments, it might make sense to borrow to invest in bonds distributed by issuers with a lower credit rating. (That is, they would pay a higher yield than better quality investors to account for the higher risk). But even in that case, the risk/return trade-off of gearing into higher risk investments may not make sense.

Frontier Advisors' principal consultant and head of debt, alternatives and innovation, Justine O'Connell, acknowledges that in the present environment, investors can borrow at historically low interest rates.

"But low interest rates are reflected in low bond yields and so it's difficult to see the case for borrowing to invest in fixed interest products. As a starting point, the after-fees investment return needs to be higher than the after-tax cost of borrowing," O'Connell says.

"A fixed interest product that aims to generate a return sufficient to meet that hurdle net of any fees charged would likely have exposure to lower-quality credits or leverage, or both. Were interest rates to rise, a likely medium-term scenario is that bond prices would fall. In this scenario, investors could be hit with rising borrowing costs and falling values on their investments."

As a result, from an investment perspective, the risks appear to outweigh the opportunities. O'Connell says: "If the borrowing relates to a superannuation fund, then there are also legal and regulatory risks if the loan is determined to be non-compliant."

Pete Pennicott, a director and financial adviser with Pekada, explains borrowing to invest adds an element of risk no matter what the investment, and fixed income is no different.

"Investors need to start with the why. Why are you looking to leverage into fixed interest products, and what outcome are you looking to achieve? The same fundamental investment principles apply to geared and ungeared strategies alike. An investment thesis should be able to support itself with or without the added layer of gearing, and if it doesn't, then move on," he says.

Therefore, careful consideration needs to be given to the expected investment outcomes from the underlying investments you are borrowing to invest in.

"Traditionally, much of the fixed income return comes from income. This may not align well with a negative gearing strategy that is designed to focus on long-term capital growth coupled with tax efficiency," Pennicott says.

"You want to ensure that the total expected after-tax return for your portfolio exceeds the cost of the borrowing, otherwise there is no point using the strategy. With fixed income, this would generally mean building a portfolio of high-yielding fixed income assets, which in turn is likely to have increased investor risk."

Basically, borrowing to invest in fixed interest products makes sense only if the after-tax return from the investment is more that the costs of the loan.

"Since the borrowing cost is unlikely to exceed investment returns in products such as government bonds or bank deposits, investors are more likely to borrow to invest in riskier products such as hybrid securities, below investment grade debt or equities," Bell Direct chief executive Arnie Selvarajah says.

"Hence, while fixed interest feels intuitively safer than other investments such as property or shares, the reality can be that in riskier products, they are anything but stable investments."

According to Selvarajah, volatility can be more akin to shares than fixed interest in products such as hybrid securities that offer interest rate product-like characteristics. The risk is that the product may convert into shares if certain criteria are triggered or at a fixed time.

"Risk will also be different depending on whether the investor is holding the product to maturity or trading fixed interest products to try to profit from a point of view."

Most advisers shy away from recommending investors gear into bonds and similar instruments, and with good reason.

"You wouldn't borrow to invest in fixed interest products. The type of products you'd normally borrow to invest in are the out-workings of where the money comes from. To lend it back to you at a higher rate doesn't make sense," managing director of GPS Wealth Grahame Evans says.

Interest rates set by central banks are some of the key variables investors need to watch if they do choose to borrow to invest in fixed interest. Any sign rates are on the rise – and it looks like the US Federal Reserve, chaired by Janet Yellen, will raise interest rates at the next meeting on December 14 – and it is likely borrowing costs will also rise.

In this circumstance anyone borrowing to invest in fixed interest needs to take a good hard look at whether the strategy still makes sense, because it probably will not.

The fact is, if you gear into fixed interest products in an environment of increasing uncertainty globally in capital markets, the ultimate risk is that you may end up with a debt and loss of capital.