Federal Politics

My hug for Pauline Hanson after first speech merely 'goodwill', says Michaelia Cash

Minister for Women Michaelia Cash said she "can't" understand why people would be upset at her response to Pauline Hanson, after she hugged the new senator following her maiden speech which blamed "sheer frustration" with the Family Court system as contributing to men murdering their former partners and children.

Asked about the gesture on Thursday, Senator Cash said she was merely expressing "goodwill".

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Michaelia Cash defends 'that hug'

Minister for women Michaelia Cash defends the affection she showed toward Pauline Hanson after the senator made controversial comments about domestic violence.

Senator Cash, who has led the Turnbull government's domestic violence reforms, was one of the first people to congratulate the Queensland Senator after her fiery first speech on Wednesday.

She warmly embraced Senator Hanson after the speech, in which the new senator also called for a ban on all immigration, the monitoring of mosques, and an end to foreign ownership of Australian agricultural land.

But it was Senator Hanson's comments on the Family Court and her opinions on welfare, which were noted but largely overshadowed by her incendiary comments on Islam and those who practice it, which saw Senator Cash questioned over her decision to embrace the One Nation leader.

"Children have two parents and until we treat mums and dads with the same courtesy and rights, we will continue to see murders due to sheer frustration, depression and mental illness caused by their unworkable scheme," Senator Hanson said.


She also called for single mothers to "get a job and start taking responsibility for your own actions", recommending welfare be limited to supporting only one child.

Senator Cash said while she may disagree with Senator Hanson on issues, she did not see any issue with her response to the speech.

Senator Michaelia Cash hugs Senator Pauline Hanson after her first speech in the Senate on Wednesday.
Senator Michaelia Cash hugs Senator Pauline Hanson after her first speech in the Senate on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

"No, I can't, I can't, it was a split second in time and as I said it was her maiden speech and I offered her goodwill – as I do with every other person in the chamber when they give their maiden speech," she said.

She said her record on the issue stood for itself, with one of the first actions of the government to announce its $100 million women's safety package and ensuring it became part of the COAG agenda.

Senator Hanson was also embraced by Senator Derryn Hinch after she delivered her first speech in the Senate.
Senator Hanson was also embraced by Senator Derryn Hinch after she delivered her first speech in the Senate. Photo: Andrew Meares

But she said while she would "never justify" murder, she was aware of concerns with the family courts.

"I never underestimate the impact of domestic violence on anybody, but in particular the families concerned," she said.

"Are there issues with the Family Court system?


"Issues are raised. It is something I know the Attorney-General is aware of and has been working with the states and territories in looking at how we can reform the system."

Fellow new senator Derryn Hinch, who has also said he was criticised for giving Senator Hanson a kiss after the speech despite some of their policy difference, has vowed to work with her on reforming the Family Court system, pushing for an inquiry.

With neither major party holding the majority in the upper house, the government must negotiate with the crossbench, of which One Nation is the most powerful voting bloc, to ensure its legislation passes in the event Labor and the Greens oppose it.

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