Federal Politics

No calls from Pauline Hanson in two weeks: One Nation Senator Rod Culleton says he is frozen out

Embattled senator Rod Culleton says it's been two weeks since One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has spoken to him, but insists he is a "good soldier" who will continue to fight for his constituents.

The West Australian has, however, suggested Senator Hanson's chief of staff James Ashby should be sacked for "unacceptable" behaviour, following claims he had thrown a phone at Senator Culleton's chief of staff, Margaret Menzel. 

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Culleton doesn't hold back

The One Nation Senator has had plenty to say after his High Court appearance over the validity of his election. Courtesy ABC News 24.

A dispute is alleged to have broken out between the two offices over a proposed Facebook livestream. Senator Hanson later downplayed the incident as being "completely blown out of proportion".

"That is a problem for James Ashby and James Ashby is a chief of staff – if my chief of staff went into Pauline Hanson's and wielded a phone, I would probably instantly dismiss her," Senator Culleton said, speaking to Fairfax Media from his office.

One Nation senators Pauline Hanson and Rod Culleton earlier this month.
One Nation senators Pauline Hanson and Rod Culleton earlier this month.  Photo: Andrew Meares

"It is unacceptable. You can do some serious damage with a phone. You don't throw a phone, especially when it hits you in the corner – that is a projectile. So, no, for someone of his age and his calibre – no, I'm sorry."

The incident has again cast the spotlight on Mr Ashby, who first became known over legal allegations against former Liberal speaker Peter Slipper and attracted further attention earlier this month for shouting at journalists during a One Nation media conference.   


Senator Culleton said he had not spoken to his party leader about the incident.

"To be fair, she has left me alone to prepare for this [the challenge to his election to the Senate] – it was brought on very quickly."

One Nation senator Rod Culleton makes the case for a royal commission into Australia's banks.
One Nation senator Rod Culleton makes the case for a royal commission into Australia's banks. Photo: Andrew Meares

One Nation's support for the motion to refer Senator Culleton's election to the High Court, acting as the Court of Disputed Returns, which was announced by Senator Hanson in a carefully worded statement to the house, still smarts, despite his insistence of no bad blood.

"Pauline is a senator, she is also the party leader," he said.

One Nation Senator Rod Culleton is congratulated by Pauline Hanson after giving his first speech in October.
One Nation Senator Rod Culleton is congratulated by Pauline Hanson after giving his first speech in October. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"And this is my fight. Although I am disappointed that not only her, but the whole Senate accepted Brandis' heresy in a sense and he underhandedly, I believe, misled the Senate, whereby they just said it has to be referred to the High Court on no facts, and that really disappoints me because although they say that is the right thing to get the constitutional umpire to look at it – but is the High Court a valid umpire at the moment, and it's not.

"I have always sort of brushed it off and said it's my fight and it's my issue, but I've never gone to the party and asked for one cent to fight my legal battles and I don't believe I ever will.

One Nation adviser James Ashby
One Nation adviser James Ashby Photo: Andrew Meares

"But when the party actually throws you into expense, well one would think perhaps you should be a little bit more lenient and say 'Well, look, can I buy you a cup of coffee?' and she hasn't even offered that.

"I haven't really touched base with Pauline in a week and a half to be honest, well longer than that – two weeks.

"That is up to her, she is the party leader and I am not going to go and force her to do anything, she is a party leader.

"She has a good soldier here, I am very loyal. Now if she in a sense finds that she needs to soldier on doing her thing, then so be it, and I guess the party will come to me when it's ready. But I am not going to let that get in my way."

He said his relationship with party colleagues Malcolm Roberts and Brian Burston was "as good as gold".

"But that is what comes with the job of party leader," he said.

"She has a team around her and I play very well in the midfield as you know.

"…I don't think I need to be supported by One Nation.

"I paid for all my campaign myself. I have a job to do for the West Australian people. The party aren't going to make me stronger, being around me."

Despite talk he might strike out on his own, the senator said he would stay with the party – unless they decided otherwise.

"Why would I want to go as an independent? I am not ready to be an independent and I don't need to be an independent," he said.

"The West Australian people voted me in, perhaps in part because they like Rod Culleton and perhaps part because they like One Nation. I can't let those people down because that would be misleading them and I would never do that."

In the meantime, Senator Culleton said he would continue fighting for the things that saw him put his name on a One Nation Senate candidacy paper in the first place.

He has been leading the charge for a royal commission into the banking industry, using his own experience and those he has come across in his fight before he reached the Senate, as motivation.

He's involving himself in the paid parental leave debate by "going into bat" for lower paid workers and continuing to fight against foreign ownership.

But he's not saying whether he will vote with his party on the Australian Building and Construction Commission bill.

"We never came with a bloc, we can't come as a bloc – if my team and I sit down and we form a different view, I mean – we formed a different view with Kidman station, didn't we – I mean look at Pauline, she said no foreign ownership didn't she and then turns around and accepts Gina Rinehart, but Shanghai CRED is associated with Gina and they buy a lot of stations – she can buy it and lease it back to Shanghai CRED, but I am against foreign ownership," he said.

Labor, he said, needs to "come up with something better than ASIC", as the oversight, if they want his support, he said. "The commission is the better of two evils really, you wouldn't even start ASIC in a horse race, it wouldn't get out of the barrier", but said his negotiations with both parties were continuing.

As for the colourful language he has become known for (the sayings "just come into my brain, just like that," he said, snapping his fingers) the senator said he saw no reason to change.

"You can take the boy out of the country, but you'll never take the country out of the boy," he said.

"I didn't come here to change.

"People say, 'But what if you get removed from the Senate'?

"OK, I get removed from the Senate. But you know what?

"I have already won. I have let the genie out of the bottle, I have taken the shot, I took the head off the snake, I have done more then what politicians have done here for 100 years in four months.

"…They keep telling me – Senator Culleton, 'Oh he's gone, he's gone' – but it's a bit like the road runner and the coyote isn't it – and the coyote just doesn't get him."

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