
Tipsters finish the week ahead on positives of Trump victory

The Australian sharemarket seesawed this week in response to the US presidential election, before leaving our tipsters generally better off as investors viewed a Trump presidency favourably. 

Our market fell almost 2 per cent on Wednesday as the election unfolded and a Trump victory became increasingly likely.


 Photo: Syed.Ghaffari

But then, on Thursday, it was up more than 3 per cent, its biggest one-day gain in five years as investors focused on Trump's pledge to spend up big on US infrastructure.

The share prices of BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals moved sharply higher on the prospects of greater demand for hard commodities.  

All tipsters remain under water on their original $100,000 investment in week five of the six-week shares race except for the Dartboard, which is in first place with $103,536. 

The Dartboard retains the top spot mainly due to its holding in Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest's Fortescue.


It also continues to do well from its holding in Thorn Group, which operates the home appliance rental business Radio Rentals.

It has been a rocky ride for shareholders as Thorn realigns the business to focus on rentals and business finance. 

Richard Hemming, author of the Under the Radar report, is in second place with $98,009. 

Investment Magazine editor Sally Rose slips from second to third place with $96,440, despite doing nicely out of her investment in Spring Financial Group.

The financial planning and wealth management business released it financial year results in October showing revenue growth of 18 per cent. 

The Shares Race is a fantasy shares game. Contestants start with $100,000 across 10 stocks.
