Whether now is the right time to borrow to invest

The experts urge caution before drawing down on the equity in home loans as loan collateral.
The experts urge caution before drawing down on the equity in home loans as loan collateral. Robert Shakespeare
by Alexandra Cain

 It is a difficult time for investors, given economic growth is muted and interest rates are at all-time lows. In this environment, many investors search for other ways to produce a return. In a low-rate world, borrowing to invest looks good on paper.

But borrowing – or leveraging – into investments can be a high-risk strategy. For instance, many investors, especially those in margin loans, had their fingers burnt during the financial crisis of 2007/2008. As a result mum and dad investors walked away from leverage as their risk appetite substantially contracted.

In response, investment banks have developed new geared products that are designed to limit any downside in the event of another major market correction. But any investor considering borrowing to invest must go in with open eyes.

If the US embarks on a faster-than-expected program of interest rate rises, this could push borrowing costs up, potentially forcing a re-think on leveraged strategies. But at the moment, leverage is certainly something to think about to help drive investment returns.

Marcus Christoe, head of banking and wealth management product at Citi, explains his view of investment markets.

"We have seen a large amount of volatility in equity markets, and low global growth is one of the limitations of the environment at the moment. We are also looking at a long period of lower interest rates. But investors, especially those moving from the wealth accumulation into the pension stage, are yield-hungry investors. So they are looking for more tailored products with specific risk return," he says.

Brian Phelps, general manager of CommSec's retail distribution, urges caution when it comes to borrowing to invest.

"Customers are not getting the returns on cash, so they are looking at term deposits or the share market. But if you're going to leverage into a low-rate environment you need to work out your numbers to consider what happens when that low-rate environment turns around and you are paying a higher interest rate," he says.

When it comes to strategies investors can use to drive returns in the current environment, Phelps says he has seen some increased appetite for margin lending and drawing down on the equity in home loans as loan collateral. "But that's not something we encourage, because that's what a margin loan is for."

Lee Hayes, co-head of distribution at Macquarie Specialist Investments, explains that traditionally, investors use leverage to build wealth where there is an expectation of future asset price growth.

"With relatively low borrowing rates many clients, particularly self-managed super fund trustees, are using conservative levels of leverage, usually between 30 per cent to 40 per cent, through our Equity Lever product. With low interest rates this may create a positively geared investment with less reliance on asset price growth, which most commentators may expect in the short term could be quite subdued," he says.

In a positively geared underlying portfolio, the dividend yield exceeds the cost of interest over the portfolio.

Says Hayes: "Positively geared assets are generally quite difficult to achieve given the divergence between interest rates and asset returns. At the moment, in a low-interest-rate environment coupled with relatively healthy dividend yields with imputation credits attached to them, this is possible at conservative leverage levels."

Hayes says another strategy is using geared equity loans or tailored portfolio collar structures. In these strategies, the underlying loan is protected and upside price growth is capped to reduce the overall cost of protection. "In both those strategies the investor receives protection from shortfalls between the loan amount and the portfolio value."

He says despite geopolitical concerns, there's been increasing investor interest in these products. "Investors are looking at these solutions to gain exposure to equity markets while at the same time minimising investment risk as a result of unknown market shocks."

Nevertheless, Hayes warns bond yields ultimately reflect the cost of borrowing, and their historical lows are potentially at a turning point.

"In some ways it is an ideal time to look at leverage into equities as an investment strategy. But prices across a range of asset classes are very sensitive to bond yields. We've again seen a correction more recently across some sectors. The key is affordability [of leverage] if interest rates go up. It's also important to gear conservatively or use protection if you can't afford to be exposed to large leveraged capital losses.

"The idea is to take advantage of the current market but also be aware of, and manage and moderate, underlying risks," he adds.

Peter Mermelas, director - derivatives, UBS Investment Bank, says his business is also seeing leverage used in a more measured way. Limited-recourse lending is the main vehicle his clients are using to gear into markets. Increasingly, UBS investors are also using protection to manage their risks.

"Limited-recourse lending is very different to margin lending in that there are no margin calls and people can invest in a leveraged fashion for a long period of time and stay leveraged to the market. Essentially, these are loans where there is no obligation on the investor to pay back that loan unless they want to take possession of the underlying shares," Mermelas says.

"With a traditional limited-recourse loan the client gets all the upside in the position. But some investors are quite cost sensitive. So to bring the cost of the position down, we will look to cap some of their upside," he says.

For instance, the investor may aim for a return that is 20 per cent above the market, but be prepared to trade off any return above that as protection against any decline in asset values.

UBS executive director, derivatives sales, Edward Burns  explains the bank allows its client to protect anywhere from 50 per cent to 100 per cent of their position. "We work very closely with clients to understand their needs and what they want and then work out what's the best strategy for them, with regards to protection."

Mermelas says different protection strategies suit different investors. "Someone who's a longer-term geared investor would have a moderate amount of protection, and by moderate I mean somewhere between 40 per cent and 70 per cent of the portfolio.

"Then you have people who want to take a positional view. For example, let's say a stock has come off in recent weeks, and is trading at around three-year lows. If an investor wanted to take a view on that stock and take it in a leveraged position, they might choose 100 per cent protection. So they borrow all the funds to take that position, but fully protect it in a limited-recourse format. People who want a more tax-effective strategy may take a higher leverage amount," he explains. This allows them to offset the cost of borrowing against returns.

David Arnold, head of leveraged and cash solutions at Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, says he's seeing a great deal of short-termism compared to days gone by. 

"Rather than buy and hold, it's a little more like snatch, grab then exit. We are also seeing continued growth in younger people using the strategy, particularly smaller margin loans with instalment gearing," says Arnold. 

"This demographic is probably not shackled with a mortgage, they're career mobile and renting close to work and play – but know they need to build wealth in bite-sized meaty chunks and seize opportunities as the share market presents them," he adds.

Leverage is certainly an interesting investment idea given low interest rates. But in a world in which there are many unknowns about what the future holds, it should be treated with caution and managed closely. If it is, gearing has the potential to enhance returns, but be aware of the risks before borrowing to invest.