How to have awkward conversations with your staff

Millennials are an employee cohort hungry for timely feedback.
Millennials are an employee cohort hungry for timely feedback. Simon Letch
by Tom Loncar

On your map of less comfortable workplace conversations, do you have a no-fly zone? An area you don't want to enter, even though you wish you could?

It could be a behaviour, such as a co-worker's penchant for whistling, which seems to get louder whenever your monthly report is due. Or a direct report's quirky mannerism: something they are not aware of but, if not addressed, could hold them back. Or it could be a change in policy from head office that you are privy to, which may affect some of your people down the track. Important, but not so urgent ... and easily shoved under the carpet for now.  

If you relate to this, you're not alone. A recent survey of 2058 adults in the United States found 69 per cent of managers were uncomfortable communicating with their reports. While you may find it (relatively) easy to mobilise for a more severe discussion, such as calling out bullying or pinpointing a performance-related issue, your no-fly zone for less serious issues may remain unbroached. 

Clearly, this runs counter to the authentic work cultures many organisations aspire (or pay lip service) to. And keeping a lid on a simmering pot of discomfort runs the risk that one day it will boil over

Go deeper 

There are numerous frameworks for difficult conversations that can help you to prepare to enter your no-fly zone from the humble feedback sandwich (a remedial message sandwiched between two slices of praise) or a higher-stakes and emotion-laden crucial conversation. But for these techniques to succeed you need to engage deeply from the outset.

Recognise your inner judge whenever it appears. It is natural to judge quickly, it is something humans are very efficient at. But such instant judging in response to a recurring stimulus may not be serving you well.

The opposite of such auto-piloted reactivity is simply noticing and through this seeing a wider picture. Being a better noticer is a recurring theme not only in leadership development contexts, but also in mindfulness training.

Stepping back may help you discern whether the behaviour in question is something you can deal with, without the attendant angst that your autopilot has produced to date.

Remember that we all have blind spots. Enough said.

It is natural to react negatively to any feedback. Studies have shown that humans have an inherent negativity bias, making them hypersensitive to negative feedback, however well-intentioned. We just can't help it, even if it represents only a small portion of any attempted dialogue. That's why the feedback sandwich often fails: the filling can dominate the rest of the meal. 

The starting position is crucial. With negativity bias in mind, adopt an overt supporter position and mindset as you step into your no-fly zone. For example, if you need to talk about a developmental issue that is holding the individual back, talk about options for moving forward, such as training or coaching. This helps remove any impression of a one-way download and makes the recipient more receptive to what you're saying. 

Most importantly, be curious. Remember, what you see is rarely all there is. Our tendency to summarise an individual in a closed-ended way (e.g. Edward has always been like this) can get in the way of exploring in the no-fly zone. A curious outlook will increase rapport and, with that, open up possibilities.

Step up to a conversation

In essence, the challenge is to step up to a conversation. The starting point is not a download from your end, or an assumption-laden "now prove me wrong" but a real conversation.

Susan Scott, author of Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time argues that relationships are "our most valuable currency", with their strength determined by the quality of underlying conversations.

Dialling down the quality of our conversations – or avoiding them entirely – will diminish the relationship. Indeed, Scott argues for conversations to be elevated to the upper echelon of business attention: "Conversations do not belong in a bucket called soft skills ... conversations are a skill set, they're a mindset, and they're a strategy for making the best possible decisions." 

Conversations are front and centre wherever positive workplace engagement exists.  

An engaged audience may be closer than you think

If your reports include Millennials, then the scope for entering the no-fly zone in an entirely positive way is much wider than you might think. This is an employee cohort hungry for relevant and timely feedback.

A widely cited 2015 study by TriNet of 1000 full-time employees born after 1980 revealed that traditional performance reviews can leave Millennials feeling not only blindsided (indeed, 62 per cent indicated feeling this way), but also "feeling angry, [with some wanting to] go as far as finding a new employer because of it".

What would they prefer? In addition to objectivity and specifics, they would also prefer a frequent and conversational approach. In other words, they want to hear the awkward, if it's there, at a time when it's happening. Storing it up for future download just won't cut it.

So, your people want to talk and real conversations matter. It's time to get uncomfortable. 

Tom Loncar is an executive and leadership coach who helps his clients develop skills for thriving in complexity.

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