PM's to spruik ethanol to oil companies

September 28, 2005 - 9:15AM

Prime Minister John Howard says he hopes a meeting with oil companies today will result in a renewed commitment to helping the government meet its ethanol target.

Mr Howard's biofuels task force report, released last week, warns market resistance will probably see the government fail to meet its already modest target of 350 million litres of ethanol in the nation's fuel supply by 2010.

The government has launched a campaign to promote the use of the fuel additive, including allowing some ethanol-blended petrol to be sold without a label.

Mr Howard will meet oil company executives at 9.30am (AEST) in Sydney to enlist their help in achieving the biofuels target.

"As a first step I would like to enlist the aid of the oil companies in achieving that and I'm hopeful that they will," he told Macquarie Radio in Sydney.

"What we've achieved in the last few weeks is to get this debate on ethanol back onto the right track.

"A few years ago it got derailed for political reasons."

Consumer confidence in ethanol - a fuel additive that can be made from sugarcane and grain - took a battering in 2002-03 after reports of high concentration ethanol blends being sold in Sydney, and claims the additive causes severe engine damage, particularly in older vehicles.

Last week's task force report said there could be even greater health and environmental benefits from using the fuel than originally thought.

"I think we've started to look at this issue in a sensible way," Mr Howard said.

"We're not in the business of forcing people to make decisions against their will, but we are a government that wants people to be properly informed and if there are advantages, environmental or health wise, in the greater use of ethanol then we should encourage it."

Nationals Senate leader Ron Boswell is calling on Mr Howard and the oil companies to use today's meeting to strike an historic deal on the use of biofuels in Australia.

He said a thriving biofuels industry would reduce Australia's vulnerability to manipulation by the international petroleum market.

"The oil companies must agree to the retail distribution targets and the producers then have the responsibility to make that volume of fuel available," he said.


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