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Brendan Nelson suggests 'intelligent design' could be taught in schools


PM - Friday, 26 August , 2005  18:34:00

Reporter: Paula Kruger

MARK COLVIN: Evolutionary scientists after years fighting relatively simple battles with creationists are increasingly facing a new adversary - the theory of intelligent design. It's a far more sophisticated set of arguments than the literal interpretation of the Bible.

Intelligent design, or ID, suggests that some organisms are just too complicated to have evolved by the random selection process that Charles Darwin theorised nearly 150 years ago.

In the United States President George W. Bush has left open the possibility that intelligent design could be taught alongside evolution in science classes in American schools.

Here, the Federal Education Minister Brendan Nelson told the Press Club earlier this month that intelligent design could have a place alongside evolution in our schools if parents wished.

Scientists are angry. One described intelligent design as creationism in a cheap tuxedo, but to those who support the theory, it's all about keeping an open mind.

Paula Kruger prepared this special report.

PAULA KRUGER: Scientists are still surprised and some are quite horrified that the debate over intelligent design has made its way to Australia.

The idea basically states that Darwin's theory of evolution can't inadequately explain complex life forms and that life must have been created be some form of intelligence, or an intelligent designer.

Critics say this belief doesn't even classify as a theory, but the case is put in educational DVD being distributed within Australia.

DVD EXCERPT: 150 years ago Charles Darwin transformed science with his theory of natural selection. Today, that theory faces a formidable challenge.

PAULA KRUGER: 'Unlocking the Mysteries of Life' is a slick American production featuring impressive computer graphics and an array of prominent scientists. They each take turns in explaining why they no longer support Darwin's theory of evolution.

One of these scientists is Dean Kenyon, who wrote a respected textbook on chemical evolution, but has since seen the light in intelligent design.

DEAN KENYON: We have not the slightest chance of a chemical evolutionary origin for even the simplest of cells, so the concept of the intelligent design of life was immensely attractive to me and made a great deal of sense.

PAULA KRUGER: This documentary style production caught the attention of a Christian group called 'Focus on the Family', which now distributes the DVD in Australia.

Executive Director Colin Bunnett is among those impressed by its arguments.

COLIN BUNNETT: I think if you look at that DVD, every man on there is a doctor. You've got Dean, Dr Dean Kenyon, who was an evolutionist, now he's turned around and said I was wrong.

PAULA KRUGER: Less impressed are members of Australia's science community, including Senior Lecturer in evolutionary biology at the University of New South Wales Rob Brook. He says intelligent design is all about religion, not science.

ROB BROOK: I think the fact that somebody has a PhD in science, or even works in a particular area of science, in itself isn't really acceptable evidence that something is scientific.

So from the point of view of Kenyon, I don't really know what is it that's motivating him, and I don't think that we're told publicly what it is that's motivating him, but a lot of the prime people in the intelligent design movement appear to have had religious conversions of some type or another.

They all seem to be people of deep religious faith, so one has to argue, is it their religious faith that's driving the agenda, or is it their science and the scientific process? And I'd say it's the former.

PAULA KRUGER: So how did intelligent design become an issue for debate in Australia?

It seems another Christian group called 'Campus Crusade for Christ' gave a copy of Unlocking the Mysteries of Life to Federal Education Minister Brendan Nelson during a recent meeting in Canberra.

It was a very brief meeting and the group didn't even expect the Minister to watch the DVD, but it appears he did.

Earlier this month, during an address to the National Press Club Dr Nelson was asked about intelligent design and he said while current theories on evolution shouldn't be replaced, intelligent design could be taught in schools if parents approve.

Reports of these comments shocked scientists like Rob Brook.

ROB BROOK: The Minister Nelson has said that he thinks there may be a place for it in schools. The question I would ask about that is in what curriculum? If it were in a religious instruction curriculum, I'd be perfectly happy to see intelligent design discussed there.

That would be the proper place for it, because it is essentially a religious and a creationist argument. If it were in the science class, I'd have huge problems with that, because it's not a scientific theory.

PAULA KRUGER: Dr Brendan Nelson has given assurances that intelligent design does not belong in the science class, and that it may be more appropriate if it was discussed as part of a religious curriculum.

But Focus on the Family says it should be taught to science students as a way of encouraging them to keep an open mind.

COLIN BUNNETT: I think it gives a meaning to life, and I think that's the tremendous story of intelligent design. It's hey, you're not an accident, you're here for a purpose, and our children today are crying out for meaning to life.

PAULA KRUGER: In the United States the issue has received far more prominence. President George W. Bush gave his personal stamp of approval to intelligent design, saying it should be discussed in American schools along side established theories on evolution.

The devout Christian says both sides of the debate need to be taught so children can understand what the debate is about.

A rural high school in Dover Pennsylvania will soon have intelligent design incorporated into its science curriculum. Unless the Federal Court intervenes, ninth graders will have the following announcement read to them by the superintendent of schools:

"Because Darwin's theory is a theory, it is still being tested as new evidence is discovered. The theory is not fact. Gaps in the theory exist for which there is no evidence. Intelligent design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view. As true with any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open mind."

PAULA KRUGER: After the announcement is read, the lesson on evolution theory can begin. But it is unlikely similar scenes will be played out in Australian schools.

Labor's spokeswomen on Education, Jenny Macklin, says new theories must withstand tough scientific scrutiny before being taught in our classrooms.

JENNY MACKLIN: Each of the states and territories have individual curriculum authorities, and they make the assessments about what will or won't be taught in each of the science syllabuses that each of the states and territories are responsible for.

PAULA KRUGER: But that doesn't mean that she is opposed to children being exposed to different views.

JENNY MACKLIN: Personally, I think that it's a good thing for children to understand a variety of religious views and beliefs. I think that's a positive thing for children to learn, but these are matters that the state governments regulate.

Evolutionary biologists Rob Brook says if students are given the opportunity to have an open mind about intelligent design, this should include its weaknesses.

ROB BROOK: One of the things that makes evolution really quite a strong theory is that it explains a lot of exceptions, it explains the imperfection in the natural world, just as much as it explains perfection.

Intelligent design is all about how perfect the world is, and it has been ever since pre-Darwinian times about how perfect the world is, and that itself might be evidence for design. But the imperfections in the world are a good example of why evolution works so well.

PAULA KRUGER: There is as yet no scientific proof supporting the belief that life was created by an intelligent designer, but that is something some academics are trying to change.

To resolve the debate tearing apart America and now creeping into Australia, Harvard University is launching an ambitious scientific assault on the age-old questions surrounding the theory of evolution.

The project is called 'the Origins of Life in the Universe Initiative'. But after 150 years of debating Darwinism, many aren't holding their breath for a definitive answer.

MARK COLVIN: Paula Kruger.