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Go Diane! For petunias, the Queen and clean toilets

(Also no immigrants or treaties.)

Diane Teasdale, President of the Australia First Party [to be confused with the Australia First Party (NSW)], is calling on the good people of Shepparton to vote for her on Saturday, November 29. One of five women and eleven men nominating for election, sadly for Diane and eight others, there are just seven vacancies on Council.

TEASDALE, Diane Marie

Control is needed on spending, especially on outside consultants. Fill Lake Victoria with water and plant petunias along the front. Stop the “Show Me” rip-off that is wasting business Ratepayer’s money. Cancel the Freight Centre development as the debt is too risky for the Ratepayers. Hang the “Queen of Australia” portrait back in the Council Chambers. Encourage the use of Citizen Initiated Referenda. Tidy and clean up our toilets and towns and employ local gardeners. No further support for immigration should come from this Council. Cancel the “Compact” Greater Shepparton signed with aborigines, former Mayor, Anne McCamish, Tony Abbott and others in 2003, and remove support for the “Riverconnect” Program. Remove all race-based policies and practices and implement a needs-based policy only. Because of the system for allocating votes I will need your 1st preference to win a seat on Council. Please choose your other preferences carefully.

The Compact Diane complains of [PDF] and wishes to see abolished was signed on September 3, 2003. The ‘aborigines’ who signed are ‘Members of the Aboriginal Community Facilitation Group on behalf of the Aboriginal Community of Greater Shepparton’: Adrian Appo, Geraldine Atkinson, Marlene Atkinson, Mary Atkinson, Neville Atkinson, Rex Atkinson, Vicki Atkinson, Graeme Briggs, Kaye Briggs, Paul Briggs, Joyce Doyle, John Martin and Justin Mohamed. Government signatories are Steve Bracks (Premier of Victoria), Tony Abbott (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations), Gavin Jennings (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs), Anne McCamish (Mayor of Greater Shepparton) and Daphne Yarram (ATSIC Binjirru Chair).

Vote Diane!

This is not Diane’s first bid for office. In 2004, she contested the Federal seat of Murray, and gained 1,083 votes (1.35%) for her troubles, easily defeating Elisa Barwick of the bizarro Larouchite cult, who received just 137 votes (0.17%), but unfortunately still 51,614 votes behind the winner, Tory Sharman Stone. Undeterred, Diane had another crack at the seat in 2007. Disappointingly, she received just 615 votes (0.76%). On the bright side, not only did she trounce the Larouchite (203 votes), she also defeated a Democrat (416 votes) and a fellow Independent (484 votes).

Diane’s pursuit of political power extends even further back than this, however, having contested elections in 1980 and 1983. In 1980, she had her very first crack at the seat of Murray, gaining even more votes — 1,171 — than she did in 2007, but still coming last (fifth of five candidates). Three years later, Diane was back for more, but — as is the case when one compares her fate in 2004 and 2007 — she proved to be slightly less popular than she was the first time around, losing 300 votes (835) and slipping in her percentage (1.2%).

Will this year’s local council see Diane fulfill her 28-year-old dream of governing a little part of Australia?
Can Diane save the Queen?
Will petunias bloom along the front of Lake Victoria?
Stay tuned for the exciting results!

Youth! Nation! Destiny! Australia First (NSW)


Australia First has set December 3 (Eureka Stockade Day) as the day we will have the membership to apply for Federal party registration. The party will now resume the Federal registration drive in earnest. Many members have rightly urged us on to complete the necessary preparations to get on with this. It is expected that by December 3 2008, Eureka Stockade Day, we shall be ready to apply for Federal registration. Help us to achieve that goal.

Then again, Dr James Saleam promised there would be an Australia First (NSW) candidate standing for the seat of Maroondah too. And of course, fourteen (or was is seventeen?) years ago, Dr Jim promised he would blow a great big hole in the ASIO conspiracy which saw him convicted for organising a shotgun attack on then ANC representative to Australia Eddie Funde.

See also : Richard Baker, Australia First: reclaiming the agenda, The Age, December 14, 2005 | William Birnbauer and Claire Miller, White supremacists hide in quiet suburbs, The Age, December 18, 2005

Slackbastard · 12 November 2008 · Discussion

Bigots : Make your vote count!

Hey, right-wing racist! On November 24, do you know who to vote for?

Leaving aside the crackpot followers of Lyndon LaRouche (as well as a few cranks within the major parties), other candidates in this year’s Federal Election on the (far) right include:

1) The Wicked Witch from Ipswich

Pauline Dancin’ Hanson is running for a Queensland Senate seat this year, yet another attempt to Unite Australia under her flatulent banner. She apparently has some chance of succeeding (although her running-mate, David Saville, has none), thanks in part to Family First (and for which thanks is ultimately due to a handful of hacks in the Victorian ALP), but most likely won’t be using the Upper House to moan about Muslims anytime soon. And to prove it’s not all about her status as the Mother of the Nation, Pauline’s Party is also standing two losing candidates in NSW: Brian Burston and John Carter. Of course, pitted against the ex-convict and her associates in the race for the racist vote is:

Slackbastard · 20 November 2007 · Discussion

Jimbo gets the hard word

The Official Site of the Australia First Party has recently had a bit of a re-design and now prominently displays the following message on the front page:


(President and official spokesman, Diane Teasdale)

From the constitution of the Australia First Party Incorporated,

Section 7.1 “The sole official spokesman of the party shall be the President, except only when a replacement or other spokesperson is appointed by resolution of the National Council from time to time.”

Section 7.2 “No member shall make, or is authorised to make, any statement on behalf of the Party except as specified above in this clause.”

Fight dem back · 12 June 2007 · Discussion

Australia First: Beneath the Surface

From the Oz:

White supremacy in our backyard

Australia First says publicly it’s not a racist party. Dan Box went under cover for months to get the real story


March 04, 2006

ONCE a month, the local branch of the Australia First party meets in the backyard of a small house in Tempe, inner-western Sydney, to drink beer, cook sausages and plot the triumph of the white race.

Last Saturday, however, was a “special meeting”, hosted at home by the party’s state co-ordinator, Jim Saleam.

Up for debate was how to turn the rollercoaster of publicity received after the Cronulla race riots into a legitimate political campaign.

While Australia First is commonly described as a neo-Nazi party, publicly the party claims it is not a racist organisation.

It says it is looking to legitimise itself, eyeing the next local council elections in Cronulla’s Sutherland Shire as a starting point.

Privately, the backyard drinkers can’t help themselves.

Speaking to The Weekend Australian, which attended the meeting using an assumed name, Jeremy Costello recalled a recent drive to Bondi, where he saw a rabbi walking down the road.

“We leaned out of the window and shouted ‘Sieg heil! Sieg heil!’,” he said.

“Shit, these rabbis take things seriously.”

News brief · 4 March 2006

Diane Teasdale: Naive or a Liar?

From The Age:

…Mrs Teasdale denied that Australia First pursued neo-Nazi agendas but she admitted she did not know if radical elements had infiltrated the party.

“Whether those radical elements are in it I do not know, but those in the leadership positions are not. We are fairly straight-down-the-line middle Australia,” she said.

Come now, Mrs. Teasdale! Must we remind you of the sort of people who attend Australia First rallies?

Australia First

And of the violent, criminal history of Australia First’s biggest name?

We at FightDemBack wonder if Mrs. Teasdale is just incredibly naive, or if she is like the rest of her party, a terrible liar.

Fight dem back · 14 December 2005 · Discussion