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Hear that? It’s the dog whistling of election season

From the ABC:

Asylum seeker policy ‘an appeal to fear and racism’

A social justice advocacy group says it is concerned that both sides of politics are attacking asylum seekers in the lead-up to the federal election.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he wants a return to Howard-era policies including temporary protection visas and processing asylum seekers in other countries.

But the director of the advocacy group the Edmund Rice Centre, Phil Glendinning, says the proposals are “an appeal to fear and racism”.

“The situation on Nauru was not properly resourced, people did not have access to rights of appeal or to law, and it was in serious contravention of Australia’s obligations,” he said.

“It wasn’t about the UN, it was about Australia. Ultimately, people who come into our jurisdiction seeking asylum have done nothing illegal; their claims need to be assessed fairly and justly.”

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has defended the Coalition’s plan.

“It’s a problem we solved in government last time and its a problem we’ll be called on to solve in government again if we’re elected,” he said.

News brief · 28 May 2010

Student bashings coverage in Indian press

From The Age:

Indian journal focuses on ‘hate’
February 1, 2010

The cover of India’s Outlook magazine.

IT’S A magazine cover that will make the hearts of Australian university bosses and diplomats sink.

“Why the Aussies hate us” screams the front cover of this week’s influential Indian news magazine, Outlook.

The 10 pages of coverage inside has stories of young Indian victims of violence and racial abuse and describes how Indian students in Melbourne feel afraid on the streets.

Kevin Rudd’s nephew and anti-racism activist, Van Thanh Rudd, told Outlook the “dominant culture in Australia is a racist culture” and that he had no doubt the attacks had been racially motivated.

The magazine claims to have found “evidence that ‘curry-bashing’ is becoming a fun game for white Australians”.

Outlook, a centre-left news weekly published in Delhi, is one of India’s top selling English language magazines, with a circulation of about 1.5 million and a large online audience.

News brief · 1 February 2010

Neo-nazi graffiti not ours: Saleam

Now, why the devil would newsies go asking Australia First’s head cheese Jim Saleam about neo-nazi graffiti? Inconceivable!

From the SMH:

not a nazi, not me, no sireeNeo-Nazi graffiti on Roozendaal home
Brian Robins
August 17, 2009

GRAFFITI daubed on the home of the NSW Treasurer, Eric Roozendaal, is believed to have been done by a group that has links to neo-Nazis.

An unknown group painted ”88” on his eastern suburbs home, on the footpath and on the house of a neighbour at the weekend. Among far right-wing groups, the number 88 is taken to represent HH, shorthand for Heil Hitler.

Police are investigating.

Mr Roozendaal refused to speak to the Herald about the incident, but a spokesman for him said he ”will not be intimidated and will continue to speak out against groups preaching hatred and division”.

Mr Roozendaal has had a longstanding dispute with the extreme right-wing group Australia First, stemming from his days at Macquarie University, where he had the group banned from campus.

Mr Roozendaal, a former state secretary of the ALP, negotiated in July with the Labor Party’s national secretary to guarantee no Labor electoral preferences would go to Australia First.

At the time, Mr Roozendaal said One Nation gained a foothold in Queensland due to one factor: Coalition preferences.

Mr Roozendaal’s spokesman said it was notable that the attack took place a month after the Treasurer’s public comments about blocking any preference flow from the Labor Party to Australia First.

Jim Saleam, of Australia First, denied the incident had anything to do with his group.

”It has been done by provocateurs; if it has not been done by criminal groups,” Mr Saleam said.

News brief · 17 August 2009

Rule #1 : NO POOFTAS! (Australia First Expels Hanson / Green Party Supporter: AtTeMpT tO dIsRuPt AuStRaLiA fIrSt StYmIeD)


Dr James Saleam, Führer of the Australia First Party (NSW), may be a pompous fascist dingbat, but — it must be admitted — he has mad skillz.

In December 2008, Saleam wrote that the police shooting of Melbourne teenager Tyler Cassidy was the product of a political conspiracy aimed at the ‘nationalist’ movement. ‘Corrupt Political Police ‘Intelligence’ Killed Tyler Cassidy!’ he exclaimed, announcing that “Australia First Party will demonstrate at the Coroner’s Court when an investigation is held into Tyler’s Cassidy’s death”.

More recently (February/March 2009), AF endorsed two candidates in the Queensland state election: Peregrine John Beverley Jewell in Toowoomba North and Peter Schuback in Hervey Bay.

Peregrine is a fascist stalwart, having established the ‘Confederate Action Party’ (a precursor to One Nation) in the early ’90s, as well as having involved himself in various other crackpot schemes. For his part, as well as being vice-president of the ‘Australian Long Distance Owners and Drivers Association’ and owner of ‘Mineral and Mine Movers Transport’, Peter is a perennial election candidate, having stood in 1998, 2001 (twice) and 2006. On these, as on the most recent occasion, Peter lost (as did Peregrine).

February also witnessed the departure of the ‘Australian Nationalism Information Database’ from the AF stable. Re-badged as ‘Ironbark Resources’, the site is now closely-linked to AF’s arch-rivals in the Australian Protectionist Party (the APP having split from AF in 2007).

In the meantime, Dr Jim’s 15-year-long Struggle to Clear His Name (he was convicted in 1991 of organising a shotgun assault upon the home of African National Congress representative Eddie Funde) and 5-year-long Battle to Register the Party continues unabated. Unfortunately, the number of those assisting Saleam in his Noble Quest appears to be dwindling. Below Herr Doktor explains the reasons he expelled the Brisbane branch of Australia First and the Patriotic Youth League, aka John Drew.

Australia First Expels Hanson / Green Party Supporter: Attempt To Disrupt Australia First Stymied

You either true fat or cut the flab
On the microphone hot it’s Skillz before heat
A wack nigga rhymin’, kills a raw beat
And I got both, ’bout to cook up a loaf of bread
on your motherfuckin’ head!

Australia First Party advises that it has today (March 25) expelled a Brisbane member, Mr. John Drew.

Mr. Drew, a former member of One Nation and of Australia First (when it was under other management in 2007) [Australia First Party makes like a banana…], was readmitted over members’ objections in 2007. He was nonetheless asked to carry out some secretarial and web site duties in Brisbane subject to positive performance.

In March 2009, Mr. Drew published upon the Queensland website material supportive both of the Pauline Hanson campaign and the Greens party campaign in the Queensland State election.

Mr. Drew objected to removing this material, although he finally did so. Australia First neither supports the opportunist pseudo populist Hanson, nor the open borders Greens party. Many party members protested about this material.

Simultaneously, Mr. Drew published material on an anti Australia First blogsite concerning earlier harassing allegations by our opponents that he supported the “Gay lifestyle” (sic). Despite numerous requests that he cease publishing these ambiguous statements about homosexuality and chiding this blogsite, he continued to write there. When asked whether he was homosexual, he vehemently denied it. Finally, he published a comment on March 17 concerning his attendance at a “Gay Parade” in Brisbane. This was clearly disingenuous and designed to instigate difficulties.

On March 18, Mr. Drew was suspended from membership. Today, he published upon the Brisbane Australia First website, the following comment.

“I advise that this web site will cease to be that of the Brisbane branch as of March 30 due to party member objections to some items of content and subsequent censorship by party officials. Another emerging party branch will utilise the domain name. I will be concentrating on my other interests one of which is the development of a fitness training/social group for gays. I will also active in Brisbane Sun Boys.”

We do not know whether the statements about gay interests are truthful, or whether they were designed to embarrass Australia First. We suspect only the latter.

Australia First has been under constant attack from various forces now for over three years. These attacks have included propaganda to divide the organisation. Persons have sought membership to disrupt the party. These attacks have intensified as we move towards registering the party and raising Australian nationalism up as a challenge to globalism.

This latest matter is just one more incident in a permanent struggle.

The last Queensland State committee meeting spoke of fishing out bad elements that might infiltrate Australia First. This we will continue to do. We serve the Australian people. Any element, whether it supports perverse lifestyles (sic), or whether it comes to push false agendas, will find no comfort here. On this occasion, we recognise only the agenda of another political party.

Slackbastard · 29 March 2009 · Discussion

Protect Australia First. Parties.

    Hitler visits a lunatic asylum. The patients give the Hitler salute. As he passes down the line he comes across a man who isn’t saluting.
    “Why aren’t you saluting like the others?” Hitler barks.
    “Mein Führer, I’m the nurse,” comes the answer. “I’m not crazy!”

In the struggle to Protect Australia and to put it First, I’m growing increasingly worried.

First, s h o c k news that, as a result of his recent massive upswing in popularity, ribald political commentary and overall fitness, John Drew (aka ‘Australia First Brisbane’ / ‘Patriotic Youth League’) has been cruelly jettisoned by the Party. Or to put it another way:

Due to ever increasing interest in myself rather than Australia First’s Brisbane Branch I have bought the domain name and am preparing a web site that will provide a wide array of information including a very interesting photo gallery. Estimated date of going online with this personal web site is early to mid April…

I advise that this web site will cease to be that of the Brisbane branch as of March 30 due to party member objections to some items of content and subsequent censorship by party officials. Another emerging party branch will utilise the domain name. I will be concentrating on my other interests one of which is the development of a fitness training/social group for gays. I will also be active in Brisbane Sun Boys.

As keen, sun-bronzed young men across Australia know, ‘Brisbane Sun Boys’ is a “Nudist Club for Gay and Bisexual Men, over the age of 18, in Southeast Queensland who enjoy this natural life style”.

A number of questions present themselves at this point.

For example:

In this sordid drama, is Dr James Saleam (Australia First NSW) — or perhaps even Jim Perren (Australia First Queensland) — playing the role of ‘Denise LaSalle’? And is John Drew acting out the part of ‘Long Dong Silver’?


Will the runaway success enjoyed by the Patriotic Youth League — which has attracted such prominent personalities as Stuart McBeth, Luke Connors, James Newman, Lachlan Black and John Drew — be endangered by John’s leaving?

    McBeth founded the PYL in Newcastle in 2002; he left in early 2005. Black was one of the founding members of the New South Wales branch of One Nation in 1997. He is now a member of the APP in the ACT.

Will Peter Watson, the Patriotic Youth from Warwick, now step forward and transform his powerful party machine the Stalinist League into a Nationalist Association 4 Yoof?

If Peter does join, will he get brain cancer from having the mobile phone pressed to his ear all day and all night, answering membership and media inquiries?

Only time will tell.

Elsewhere in Queensland, two AF supporters have bravely gone to the polls: Peregrine John Beverley Jewell and Peter Schuback. Neither gained an especially impressive number of votes, naturally, but their participation is (presumably) yet another giant stride forward for Australia.

Or is it?

On the other side of the White nationalist divide, the Australian Protectionist Party is… still protecting Australia. Like AF, the APP struggles with the political legacy of Dr James Saleam, who has recently denounced — again — the APP for its alleged support for Zionism. That is, The Jew.

The leading spokesperson for the APP is Darrin Hodges. Darrin is one of a number of former AF members, including Mark Wilson, to abandon Herr Doktor.

“i have some good colour footage (no sound) of Adolf Hitler at The Berghoff. PM me if you want a copy of the footage” Darrin once wrote on Stormfront, but since then he has displaced his fear and loathing of The Jew on to The Muslim, who, together with The Asian, The Black, The Greens, The Red and The Queer, now constitute the gravest threats to Australia.

Word on The Street is that The Jew, The Muslim, The Red and The Asian are led by

A Half-Human, Half-Lesbian, Half-Machine, Half-Asian, Half-Cyborg Future President of the Future United States of Asia!

Below is e x c l u s i v e footage of the Future President of the Future United States of Asia after being informed of the growing resistance to the politics of New World Order liberal-globalist-capitalism throughout Australia (and in the rest of the world) and shortly before boarding her EL AL Airlines flight bound for Toowoomba:

Slackbastard · 29 March 2009 · Discussion

Youth! Nation! Destiny! 5,000 damaged condoms!

Following the massively disappointing news that Warwick Capper forgot to nominate in the QLD State seat of Beaudesert, a new and exciting development in the QLD election: Australia First has a second candidate!

Joining Peregrine John Beverley Jewell in Toowoomba North is Peter Schuback in Hervey Bay. As well as being vice-president of the Australian Long Distance Owners and Drivers Association and owner of ‘Mineral and Mine Movers Transport’, according to AF Fuehrer Dr James Saleam, Schuback “was heavily commitment to the National Truck Shutdown last July”.

Peter is also heavily committed to a White Australia.

Go Peter!

Slackbastard · 6 March 2009 · Discussion

Denial: It’s not just a river in Egypt

Both NSW Police and Manly Council are trying hard to deny that the Australia Day mob scenes in Manly’s Corso had anything at all to do with (quelle horreur!) racism. Clearly, Manly merchants don’t want the ‘Cronulla ghost town’ effect and the police don’t want to be thought to be not to be doing their job.

But come on, now- Blind Freddy could see the racism on The Corso. Do we really need academics to unpick it? Well, OK then, here- have an academic’s estimation.

From The Sydney Morning Herald:

Manly ‘morons’ rampage was racist: academic

Georgina Robinson

January 27, 2009 – 3:31PM

Manly Council and local police have their “heads in the sand” if they believe racism had nothing to do with angry scenes in the northern beaches suburb yesterday, an academic says.

Mayor Jean Hay and police commander Dave Darcy were today hosing down accusations that a group of about 80 drunk teenagers who ran chanting and yelling through the town centre wrapped in flags were targeting ethnic Australians.

But Manly resident Nina Burridge, who was at The Corso when the celebrations turned ugly and has studied ethno-cultural diversity in communities, said there was no question the youths’ taunts and cheers were racially motivated.

“It was a mix of hoodlums who had obviously been drinking as well but, to me, there was also an underlying element of racism dressed up as nationalism,” Dr Burridge, a senior lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney, said.

News brief · 28 January 2009

Hijab wearers are criminals in disguise? Um, no.

Here we go again. Headscarf = criminal. *sigh*

We at FDB would like some concrete evidence that hijabs are being used as disguises. Since a hijab doesn’t cover the face, we find this highly dubious.

Perhaps a better explanation is Queensland retailer = redneck.

From the ABC:

Retailers call for ban on hijabs, hoodies

The Retailers Association has called for hijabs, hoodies and helmets to be banned from shops and banks.

The Queensland-based organisation says it represents smaller, independent retailers in Australia.

Association executive director Scott Driscoll says the items could be used as a disguise by criminals.

News brief · 15 January 2009

Southern Cross Soldiers, Tyler Cassidy and the far right

The (racist) far right has reacted fairly predictably to the shooting death of 15-year-old Tyler Cassidy in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote last Thursday (December 11). For those for whom The Jew is Public Enimy #1, the fault lies, of course, at the feet of The Jew.


Stormfront, Dr. David Duke‘s online, Florida-based Mental Hospital for Racist Cranks, abounds with penetrating insights. Ten of the best:

    brude: “I hope karma comes back to these rotton [sic] barstard [sic] PIGS like it did in the 1980’s.”
    Spinosus: “Police officers in the west are ZOG enforcers, that[‘]s why I don’t like them.”
    303pugs: “It looks very much like an anti white manouver [sic] by our new order gov.”
    Sam: “As much of a tragedy [as] it is, there is also a lesson to be learnt: Don’t touch drugs.”
    Silverfern (CHURCH OF THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN): “I believe the cops were justified, if I was me [sic] the little toerag wouldn’t of made it two steps.”
    Cup-of-Ruin: “If that had been a Muslim or an Abbo [sic] they blasted there would be an uproar…”
    Patriot08: “I love that Brutal Attack song on his myspace page too.”
    Etain: “Tyler Cassidy, another white victim of the final solution… Tyler Cassidy is quickly becoming a Ned Kelly. An Australian “outlaw”, fighting to defend what it meant to be an Australian, who tried to survive in a place where he was a MINORITY, and was constantly reminded of his white man’s burden.”
    sixtytwo [SCS Sydney]: “The [SCS] are vowing revenge they are vowing to get together.”
    firestone: “So SCS: stay strong and hold your ground. Know that your cause is a noble one, as is ours, and the enemies [sic] main weapons are lies and manipulation. Only the weaker-minded guys will fall away for good because they fear criticism too much. This incident will no doubt attract more attention from your/our enemies, so learn as much about who they are and why they do what they do as you can. They will try to manipulate public opinion against you, but understand that these antis are a bunch of pussies who only do such things safely hidden away behind their [computer]. The only time you may catch a glimpse is if they venture out for the latest anti-Nike or G20 protests.”


Also on the anti-Semitic far right, in typically florid prose, Dr James Saleam, Fuehrer of the Australia First Party (NSW), asks, If The Victorian Police Wrongfully Shot A Boy, Why Does The Media Now Wish To Dig A Latrine As His Grave? (Statement By The Australia First Party, December 14.) Herr Doktor — sentenced to three and a half years jail in 1991 for organising a shotgun attack on the home of Eddie Funde, Australasian representative of the African National Congress — blames The (Jew) Controlled Media for plunging headlong down a Super Fun “slippery-slope of untruth, building up a shadowy Internet discussion board, the Southern Cross Soldiers, into a racist, extremist, activist and criminal circle.” Further: “Australia First Party denounces the media line that the Southern Cross Soldiers, an ostensible “nationalist” group, existed outside of the Internet site – MySpace.”

Slackbastard · 16 December 2008 · Discussion

Go Diane! For petunias, the Queen and clean toilets

(Also no immigrants or treaties.)

Diane Teasdale, President of the Australia First Party [to be confused with the Australia First Party (NSW)], is calling on the good people of Shepparton to vote for her on Saturday, November 29. One of five women and eleven men nominating for election, sadly for Diane and eight others, there are just seven vacancies on Council.

TEASDALE, Diane Marie

Control is needed on spending, especially on outside consultants. Fill Lake Victoria with water and plant petunias along the front. Stop the “Show Me” rip-off that is wasting business Ratepayer’s money. Cancel the Freight Centre development as the debt is too risky for the Ratepayers. Hang the “Queen of Australia” portrait back in the Council Chambers. Encourage the use of Citizen Initiated Referenda. Tidy and clean up our toilets and towns and employ local gardeners. No further support for immigration should come from this Council. Cancel the “Compact” Greater Shepparton signed with aborigines, former Mayor, Anne McCamish, Tony Abbott and others in 2003, and remove support for the “Riverconnect” Program. Remove all race-based policies and practices and implement a needs-based policy only. Because of the system for allocating votes I will need your 1st preference to win a seat on Council. Please choose your other preferences carefully.

The Compact Diane complains of [PDF] and wishes to see abolished was signed on September 3, 2003. The ‘aborigines’ who signed are ‘Members of the Aboriginal Community Facilitation Group on behalf of the Aboriginal Community of Greater Shepparton’: Adrian Appo, Geraldine Atkinson, Marlene Atkinson, Mary Atkinson, Neville Atkinson, Rex Atkinson, Vicki Atkinson, Graeme Briggs, Kaye Briggs, Paul Briggs, Joyce Doyle, John Martin and Justin Mohamed. Government signatories are Steve Bracks (Premier of Victoria), Tony Abbott (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations), Gavin Jennings (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs), Anne McCamish (Mayor of Greater Shepparton) and Daphne Yarram (ATSIC Binjirru Chair).

Vote Diane!

This is not Diane’s first bid for office. In 2004, she contested the Federal seat of Murray, and gained 1,083 votes (1.35%) for her troubles, easily defeating Elisa Barwick of the bizarro Larouchite cult, who received just 137 votes (0.17%), but unfortunately still 51,614 votes behind the winner, Tory Sharman Stone. Undeterred, Diane had another crack at the seat in 2007. Disappointingly, she received just 615 votes (0.76%). On the bright side, not only did she trounce the Larouchite (203 votes), she also defeated a Democrat (416 votes) and a fellow Independent (484 votes).

Diane’s pursuit of political power extends even further back than this, however, having contested elections in 1980 and 1983. In 1980, she had her very first crack at the seat of Murray, gaining even more votes — 1,171 — than she did in 2007, but still coming last (fifth of five candidates). Three years later, Diane was back for more, but — as is the case when one compares her fate in 2004 and 2007 — she proved to be slightly less popular than she was the first time around, losing 300 votes (835) and slipping in her percentage (1.2%).

Will this year’s local council see Diane fulfill her 28-year-old dream of governing a little part of Australia?
Can Diane save the Queen?
Will petunias bloom along the front of Lake Victoria?
Stay tuned for the exciting results!

Youth! Nation! Destiny! Australia First (NSW)


Australia First has set December 3 (Eureka Stockade Day) as the day we will have the membership to apply for Federal party registration. The party will now resume the Federal registration drive in earnest. Many members have rightly urged us on to complete the necessary preparations to get on with this. It is expected that by December 3 2008, Eureka Stockade Day, we shall be ready to apply for Federal registration. Help us to achieve that goal.

Then again, Dr James Saleam promised there would be an Australia First (NSW) candidate standing for the seat of Maroondah too. And of course, fourteen (or was is seventeen?) years ago, Dr Jim promised he would blow a great big hole in the ASIO conspiracy which saw him convicted for organising a shotgun attack on then ANC representative to Australia Eddie Funde.

See also : Richard Baker, Australia First: reclaiming the agenda, The Age, December 14, 2005 | William Birnbauer and Claire Miller, White supremacists hide in quiet suburbs, The Age, December 18, 2005

Slackbastard · 12 November 2008 · Discussion