“I hope there is no infiltration here”

We have to admit. We’re loving this “every Nazi for himself” mentality that is sweeping through the Aussie lunar right. Apart from being gut-bustingly funny to witness (and a tad pitiful), it also entails a bumper harvest of top-notch information headed our way.

As you would have read in yesterday’s Tele, the Australia New Nation forum has been blown open.

Another secret cyber hideout of Aussie fash has been compromised. Again, it’s fascinating to see what they’re saying when no-one is looking.

Make sure you don’t confuse this latest catch with the ANN Yahoo Group which we’ve owned numerous times before. This is their proper secret forum.

It’s still populated by the same six or seven people: Trevor Lewis, Alex Fogerty, Ben Weerheym, Peter Campbell (Kromlek), Jim Perren (Stug111), Terry Davis (Whiteprideco) and of course the human urinal himself, Reverend Patrick O’ Sullivan.

It’s basically the White Pride Coalition of Australia (WPCA) crowd, the openly Nazi mob. Even Baron Von David Innes Hund agrees with us on that.

There’s plenty of crap to sift through but we’ll start with the funny paranoid batshit stuff plus a few of their more naked threats.

Firstly, it seems that we’re very good at what we do:

Member Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 65

Stakes are getting high

This Darp tool seems to be very organised. How does he have the time to be everywhere at once, why is he so persistent and pesky, what does he live on, how come he has access to so many resources??? He seems to know everything about everything/everyone. I feel that he has support from “higher up” – jews, ASIO, Mossad?!? I also get the feeling that he might have a plant somewhere – either on this site, obviously on Stormfront, and perhaps on WPCA. I feel that some of you “Member Elites” better sit down together and have a chat. Plan a strategy of some sort, perhaps contingency plans. Maybe make a few mock scenarios, such as proposed meetings or events. Make a few “mock” ones and “leak” this info to some of your so called mates. If Darp finds out about it you will know who the plant is and who is passing info to the enemy.



So good in fact that phone calls are flying around everywhere and no-one seems to know what is going on. BEWARE, Darp’s “Black Opps!”

20-12-2005, 06:17 AM
Defend This (Jim Perren/Stug111)

Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 62

Default Darp BLACK OPPS

This morning I have been getting all types of crazy calls. I will not say what they are or whom they are about. But after a few calls the picture became more and more clear. Darp. It would seem that Darp with two new recruits who are very well connected are telling the authorities all types of Bull ****.

What are they up to? Easy. I will tell ya. First by spreading lies about us all to the Police he plans to have us all rounded up. Next by spreading lies about who the informer is he plans on destroying our Unity and creating Paranoia. Splitting our ranks.

Please if any one has been getting the same calls as me contact the people they accuse. Front them. Do not help Darp by spreading his disinformation.

United we stand divided we fall. The communist are up to the dirty tricks part of their plan. And the idiotic media will help them, just to sell papers.

My prediction, SF will be torn to bits by the New Year. After meeting some of the SF guys Im afraid it will not take much to grind them into submission. I hope I am wrong. But they will easy be targets to Darp and his scum.

I would advise maybe no more new members here unless they are known on a face to face basis.
WPCA QLD PO Box 420 Zillmere QLD 4034

Maybe it’s time to shut Darp up?


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 17

Saw the news but that was about it with Darp the twat on there spouting ****. I hope there is no infiltration here as someone needs to make Darp be quiet if you know what I mean.


Spike that one and send on to ASIO.

But where do you find Darp? Luckily, Reverend Pat and his black and white cat are here to help.


Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 16

Anyone wants DARPS address and details please pm me.He’s just a mutt anyway


In view of the material listed above, it’s fairly safe to say that the following disclaimer on the main ANN portal is completely null and void:

We assure you, you will find nothing illegal here


How about this then?


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 13

Lets hope it kicks off

Oh yes I hope those ****ing Lebs get a good kicking. A pity Mr Plod isnt the same as in bygone years and turn a blind eye at what they really know is poetic justice being dished out. I remember years back we used to go poofter bashing at the sick Sydney Mardi Gras and the cops would grab us take us to the station and some would quip “you blokes have to stop doing our job for us” hahahaha. Imagine that happening these days, not on yer life with coppers having to be uni graduates with brain washed multi culti ideals.

Yes I really hope these ****bag Lebs get a wallopin


How about recruiting people at Cronulla?


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 400

Beach erupts into violence
From: AAP


If anyone here was there let us know exactly what happened and if you took a camera along post up some photos. **** I wish I was there since we could have recruited heaps of people that were there for the cause.


Trev. You have been and always will be a “Neville no mates.”

And oh the incitement!


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 400

I’ve just seen the news and what a load of ****ing rubbish. All they could go on about was that the demonstration was unAustralian and it has rocked what Australia is to the core. I hope it has rocked the multiracial cesspit that the country has become to the core. They rolled out that piece of **** Trad and he said that the violence shown didn’t belong in this country. He is wrong his kind do not belong in this country. The footage shown showed young blokes getting belted by the coppers with batons and a raghead getting its head kicked in. I hope this is not the end of it and further demonstrations occur throughout the summer and beyond.

It’s not just antifa details they’re posting up, they also hammer away at fellow WN’s:


Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 16

David #####, a.k.a. Baron Von Hund
## ######### ####
#######, West Australia
0408 713 ###


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 400

Don’t worry this place isn’t becoming like sh!tfvck, Innes’ address was only blanked out for possible legal reasons.


Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 16

Dont be a girls blouse!There isnt anything illegal in displaying an address.If thats the case anyone that wants DAVID ***** aka BARON VON HUND’s address please pm or e-mail me at paxrahowa88@hotmail.com and I will gladly supply it.That simple


Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 400

Mate I’m not being a girl’s blouse but I don’t want the group being associated with giving his address out should he have a little ‘accident’. However, what you do via PMs is entirely up to you.

Yup, being associated with people having ‘accidents’ is their main concern, not the accidents themselves.

These guys really hate the Baron.


Trev says:

The thing with Innes is he is the fly in our ointment. He has all the morons at sh!tfvck eating out of his hand whilst he constantly belittles and attacks anyone who is real and anyone who disagrees with him. The worst thing is that he is poisoning the minds of people new to the scene who believe everything he says. He started off as a rank amateur but has improved enough to make it seem that his lies are the truth to those that don’t know what he has done in the past. He ruined a woman’s political career in the open on sh!tfvck and all he could worry about was that he was called a White Nationalist instead of a nazi in the paper.

Kromlek says:

Look at the tally sheet of casualties, targets and victims and you will see a who’s who list of White Nationalists, from Patrick to me to Trev to Cyrus to…..

He has NEVER knocked over a Leftist YET!!!!!

It is ALWAYS, that’s A.L.W.A.Y.S., White Nationalists who cop the spray from his diarrhoea gun.

Stuggy says:

Funny how FDB runs around putting up conversations from the ANN group because they have no more material on us. But they have a mountain of stuff from Barron and nothing. He never seems to get any attension from the carpist. Saying that he will probably get a mention now. Has every other time I have said something like this.

Hey – we’re mentioning him now!

And that’s the tame stuff they had to say about David Innes. If Baron wants to know more, he knows where to find us. Mind you, like most SF regulars – he don’t seem to be around much thesedays.

Fight dem back · 23 December 2005 · Discussion