ASIO stepping in

Oh geez. Things just go from bad to worse for the fash.

From The Hun:

Neo-Nazi link in race riots

AUSTRALIA’S intelligence services are investigating the role of neo-Nazi groups in Sydney’s race riots.

The probe comes as a fresh batch of SMS messages emerged urging Melbourne youths to gather to “bash wogs”.

And police in Sydney warned of further violence today after learning troublemakers had travelled from other states.

ASIO believes newly-formed white supremacist groups are using racial tensions and the war on terror as a platform for their racist agenda.

It regards the white supremacists as a lesser-known threat than well-monitored Islamic radicals.

In particular, ASIO is focusing on the white extremist Patriotic Youth League and the Right-wing Australia First party.

Both groups were promoting themselves heavily at the Cronulla riots.

Frankston police confirmed yesterday that a text message was circulating in the area calling for people to gather at Frankston Pier at noon today.

Supt Mick Williams said police were ready to respond to any outbreaks of violence and would patrol potential trouble spots.

Police had “people available to respond very, very quickly” to any problems, he said.

“We will be monitoring the information and intelligence we have gathered.”

NSW Deputy Commissioner Andrew Scipione said police had “serious” intelligence that people from outside Sydney were determined to join both Anglo-Australian and Lebanese-Australian gangs planning to do battle.

He said NSW was preparing for a worst-case scenario amid fears the violence could be worse than that which erupted at Cronulla last Sunday.

“This weekend is not a normal weekend, there is nothing normal about the situation we find ourselves in,” he said.

News brief · 19 December 2005