The Decider knows what’s best
Saturday August 19th 2006, 12:53 pm

no more Kings, GeorgeIn response to the court finding that unfettered domestic spying is unconstitutional, King Decider the First of Oppositeworld said:

“Those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world in which we live.”

Sozzy adroitly commented:

What Bush meant: Those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world in which I live, in which I am the decider and I decide what’s good for the country, and I decide who to spy on and who to imprison, and I decide which laws to obey and which to violate, and I decide when to notify or not notify Congress, and I decide what powers the Constitution gives me, and I decide. Period. I’m the decider and that’s the world we live in. Get used to it.

Too right.

Hello?! Where’s the motions for impeachment? Richard Nixon’s shenanigans should qualify him for sainthood compared to the absolute corruption of the office being committed by the unelected resident of the White House.


5 Comments so far
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Mr. Fish captures this brilliantly in his catch of the day.

Comment by suki 08.20.06 @ 8:27 am

Fish kills again

Count on Fisho to nail it in one.

Give that man a bigger hammer. 😀

Comment by weez 08.20.06 @ 11:09 am

And the US wonder “why does the rest of the world hate us?”
How I doth hate you
Let me count the ways….

Comment by Supamum 08.23.06 @ 1:26 pm

Well, keep in mind that I’m an American, SMum. 😉

It’s the imperial government of King George which is the problem, not the American people. They’re now wise to the neo-con job that’s been pulled on them- and I have faith that come 2008, the electorate is going to throw the bums out. They started with Joe Lieberman– a Democrat.

Comment by weez 08.23.06 @ 5:48 pm

[…] Americans have had a gutful of His Highness. […]

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