
The Aboriginal intervention policy is failing

Claire Smith
September 18, 2007

Children in remote areas need coherent strategies to ensure a positive future.

I WAS supposed to go to the funeral of a young Aboriginal man from a remote community yesterday. He killed himself just a month ago and I'm close to his family — culture-way I call him "grandson" — but I didn't go. There are just too many funerals to be able to attend them all. Where I work, there is a queue of people to be buried. When this young man died, he had to wait in line to be buried — an elderly lady, a middle-aged woman, and a 14-year-old girl (also a suicide victim) were scheduled before him.

The death of this young man is nothing new to this community. It is new to the family, but such tragic events happen regularly in the community. At one point, we had 31 young people attempt suicide in the space of eight months — 8 per cent of the population of 452 people. Some of these young people had been the victims of white pedophiles.

Both Liberal and Labor governments, territory and federal, have known of the high suicide rate among young Aborigines for at least the past decade but have done nothing substantive to change the situation.

This year it appeared that something was going to be done. In response to the Little Children are Sacred report the Howard Government announced national emergency measures to protect Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory from abuse. Almost three months later, it is time to consider whether the action is improving the lives of children in remote communities. Sadly, the answer is that it is not.

The federal action was instigated on the basis of high sexual abuse rates of children, but in a recent ABC Radio interview Northern Territory Police Commissioner Paul White stated that not a single case had been referred to the child sex abuse taskforce as a result of increased police resources. Moreover, out of more than 700 checks, there have been only four referrals: two related to child sexual abuse, one for possible neglect and one for family support.

Sadly, the hasty and ill-considered implementation of this policy is damaging the very people it is meant to protect. It is introducing new, insidious forms of child abuse — children are damaged when money that could be used for their health care is spent on buying new Toyotas for administrators from "down south", who do not have the appropriate experience or cultural knowledge to successfully implement programs. Children are damaged when their parents lose their jobs, as they will through the disbanding of the Community Development Employment Projects Scheme. While income may be the same, a move from CDEP to the dole takes away the dignity that comes with being employed, and causes frustration and unhappiness within the family.

Similarly, children are damaged by the income "quarantining" provisions, implemented yesterday, through which a significant proportion of the family income is held back so that it can be used only to buy food in specific places, such as community stores (where the prices are up to two or three times those in town), or Woolworths, if you happen to have a car and fuel to drive several hundred kilometres.

The fundamental problem is that the action is being introduced at such a rapid rate that there is not enough time for proper planning or for essential support measures to be put in place. For example, the bans on alcohol came into place on September 15, but regional and community health centres have not been given the additional support they need to deal with those suffering from alcohol withdrawal. There are no extra rehabilitation beds, no additional counselling services, and no extra medicines.

Women distressed by this situation have re-formed Women for Wik (www.womenforwik.org) with the purpose of monitoring these events. In two weeks the group, of which I am a member, has received almost 2000 personal endorsements, including support from prominent women, such as Lady Deane, Lowitja O'Donoghue, Justice Elizabeth Evatt, Gabi Hollows, Helen Caldicott, Margaret Pomeranz and Tamie Fraser.

Our interest is in policy, not political parties. We are concerned about the current actions of the Coalition Government, and we are concerned that there is no indication that a Labor government would do anything differently.

Our discussions with people in politics make it clear that members of both parties disagree with the way in which the intervention is happening but nobody is willing to speak out. After all, this is an election year and no one ever won an election on policy for Aboriginal people.

The young man who was buried yesterday comes from a very good family. His grandmother is a community leader. His mum and dad both have jobs — itself a small miracle, since at last count only 16 Aboriginal people, of the 252 aged 18 or more, in this community had full-time employment. But the fact that this young man came from such a background is part of the problem. He was aware of the gulf in living standards between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families. He knew that there were not enough jobs in his community. He wanted to live a good and a useful life, and he could not grasp the basic tools to do this. He needed hope that he would be able to get a job in his community, without having to move to the big towns and leave his family. He needed hope that his own children would have an opportunity to live a good life. He died without hope.

I'm disappointed in the Prime Minister, in the Opposition Leader and in the Northern Territory Chief Minister. I'm also disappointed in every Australian who does not do what they can to defend these young ones in the Northern Territory. We need to shame our politicians into making the care of Aboriginal children an election issue.

Claire Smith, associate professor in archaeology at Flinders University, has worked with Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory for almost 20 years.

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