
Labor finalises preference deal with Greens

Dewi Cooke
November 3, 2007 - 3:31PM

The Labor party has finalised its preference deal with the Greens.

Under the terms of the agreement, Labor votes will flow to the Greens in the Senate and the Greens will preference the ALP in the house of representatives in target seats in all states and territories, with the exception of Tasmania.

One Nation, Citizens Electoral Council and Pauline Hanson will all be preferenced last on Labor ballot papers where candidates from those parties are running.

"Federal Labor has made these preference agreements only on the basis that they do not, in any way, influence or change Labor policy," Labor campaign spokesperson Penny Wong said in a statement.

The preference swap comes after the Greens and the Democrats did a deal for the Senate in an effort for minor parties to regain control of the upper house.

Monash University's Nick Economou said the Senate deal was likely to guarantee the Greens seats in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

"It's a very important outcome for the Greens and I think it will probably mean the Greens will be elected in those three states," he said.

It also increased the chances of the Greens holding the balance of power in the Senate, with the other likely contenders being South Australian Nick Xenophon and Family First's Steven Fielding.

In 2004 a Labor deal which preferenced Family First over the Greens contributed to Mr Fielding's Senate win and his subsequent balance of power. Dr Economou said the current deal was a way for Labor to prevent the same situation occurring in 2007.

"It benefits Labor in the long-run in that it should alter the composition of the Senate so that instead of having to negotiate with a right-wing, social conservative ecclesiastic senator, they'll be able to negotiate with the Greens," he said.

Since the Coalition won control of the Senate in 2004, it has been able to pass some controversial legislation including WorkChoices and the Northern Territory indigenous intervention laws.

The Democrats and the Greens have been campaigning to restore the balance of power to the upper house, as has non-partisan political group GetUp!

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