ALP head office to blame for Labor loss

By Alex Mitchell, state political editor
April 10, 2005
The Sun-Herald

A Labor Party post-mortem of last year's City of Sydney election debacle has blamed the anti-democratic practices of the party's head office and the Carr Government's heavy-handed style.

The party's local government committee conducted the inquiry following the dismal showing of the Labor team led by Michael Lee and the triumph of Clover Moore.

The 19-page report gives a snapshot of inner-city ALP branches in decline and mutinous anger over the way rank and file democracy is overruled by head office in Sussex Street.

"Party rules were flouted and manipulated by party officers, and members were disenfranchised," said the report. "The party membership was not consulted about the selection of all candidates and played a minimal role in the formulation of policy.

"But, most importantly, the party's poor performance can be traced back to the State Government's untimely and apparently self-interested decision to sack both the city of Sydney and South Sydney councils and proclaim the existence of an amalgamated city council.

"This led many voters and commentators to view the Labor campaign cynically and to regard Labor candidates as potential pawns of Macquarie Street and its perceived pro-development policies."

The report said the councils were merged even though the NSW ALP has an official policy of no forced amalgamations. Party chiefs were warned that a merger would bring Ms Moore into the mayoral race and that she would win.

The sacking of the two councils on February 6 last year and then having "the Governor [Marie Bashir] dragged out of bed to sign the minister's proclamation mobhilised the electorate against Macquarie Street and Sussex Street", the report said.

Ms Moore outpolled the ALP two to one and Labor's representation fell from seven councillors to three.

While Ms Moore spent $69,000, or $3.50 for each vote she won, the ALP cost per vote was $28 and the Greens spent $3 for every vote they received.

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