Bennelong on a knife edge: McKew

Updated November 24, 2007 22:21:00

Audio: McKew hails Bennelong result (ABC News)

High-profile Labor recruit Maxine McKew says the battle for John Howard's Bennelong seat remains "on a knife edge" tonight.

The former ABC television journalist is ahead of Mr Howard 51.1 per cent to 48.9 per cent after preferences, a swing of 5.2 per cent with 69.8 per cent of the vote counted.

If Mr Howard loses his seat he will be the first sitting Prime Minister to do so since 1929.

Prime Minister John Howard has rung Kevin Rudd to concede defeat in the overall election and has left Kirribili House in Sydney for the Wentworth Hotel, where he will formally give his concession speech.

Addressing a crowd of cheering supporters , Ms McKew stopped short of claiming victory in Bennelong but said tonight has been a wonderful night for Labor.

"This has been an amazing night. A wonderful night for Labor; a fabulous, I hope, transforming moment for the country," she said.

"Now, something may have happened in the last 20 minutes, but when I last looked Bennelong is on a knife edge. Bennelong is still on a knife edge. The result is still not clear.

"But what a wonderful, wonderful campaign this has been."

"What you have all done over the past six months is to show in Bennelong that a contest matters.

"I can't be sure of the outcome, but you know what I do know one thing - Bennelong will never, ever be taken for granted again."

Liberal Senator Nick Minchin agrees it is too early to call the seat and predicts the result will not be known until next week.

"Obviously Maxine and the Labor Party are reading it the same way I am - that it is too early to call it," he said.

"I think if they felt they could claim victory they would tonight, but clearly with postal votes still to come - as I say some 5,000 odd postal votes - this is going to be next week before we know if John Howard has retained his seat."

Topics: federal-election-2007, government-and-politics, elections, alp, liberals, howard-john-winston, sydney-2000

First posted November 24, 2007 21:36:00