CSI: The White House
Monday November 10th 2008, 7:15 am

President-Elect Obama looks CSI cool in Ray-Bans and a wool suit from Hart, Schaffner & Marx.

(image: boston.com)

If this president thing doesn’t work out, Obama is headed for a career as an actor or model.

When was the last time that a US prez was a fashion plate?

Go git ’em, Barry… and look way slick in the process.


3 Comments so far
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Was wondering about the suit… tres chic

Comment by Dan 11.11.08 @ 10:01 am

Obama scrupulously buys American… or he’d be in an Italian Zegna suit, as favoured by Paul Keating.

Comment by weez 11.11.08 @ 11:56 am

This image came from boston.com’s ‘The Big Picture.’ See the rest of the hi-res Obama series here.

Comment by weez 11.11.08 @ 2:35 pm

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