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Monday, 6 February 2017

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"Q: why does Tony smile and allow two younger panelists to cut in and be hugely disrespectful? Eric Abetz who put his points respectfully was not howled down because of his viewpoints....would not want these two in parliament..and when they ..." 22/11/2016 6:50:35 AM
"Are you seriously suggesting that white Australians are mainly responsible for violence against aboriginal women ??" 21/11/2016 11:46:04 PM
"How can we "empower the people" when so much of our media, controlled as it is, run as a political PR machine, to promote the opinions of owners carry on promoting ignorance through distortion of news to suit their narrative?" 21/11/2016 11:17:59 PM
"How much does a self-serving media hack, like Sheridan, have to get wrong before the ABC revokes that "expert opinion" status they've bestowed on him, and stop giving him a platform from which to spout his opinions as fact?" 21/11/2016 11:11:31 PM
"Please explain why the Bill Leake cartoon is Rasist?" 21/11/2016 10:54:31 PM
"Is collinization a fair excuse for Aboriginal people to be violent to each other" 21/11/2016 10:52:56 PM
"when will they finally decriminilise cannabis. the drain on the public purse,public facilities,communities and families. now quadruple that with the ice epidemic.just do it, lead australia look at the research its out there" 21/11/2016 10:40:02 PM
"It's Aus Music Month and yet Radio National has just announcing the demise of most of it's music programming. This has very concerning implications for Australia's independent musicians and music industry, regional audiences and our culture. It also goes against ..." 21/11/2016 10:24:24 PM
"Why are RN getting rid of best music shows on the radio. Lets tone down on the politics and self praising politicians and some journalists. "They can cut all the flowers but they can't stop the coming of spring" Long ..." 21/11/2016 10:23:49 PM
"As most Asian countries are family dictatorships are we going down the same path?" 21/11/2016 10:21:03 PM
"Apart from the myths about how USA protected Australia in WW2 - when as New Guinea showed us, the reverse was more likely the case - can someone please tell us what is so vitally important to us about the ..." 21/11/2016 10:15:32 PM
"Malcolm Fraser once attributed the over-publicised problems with Lebanese youth to alienation. When will Australia be mature enough to admit that Fraser was right and that we have a deep rooted acceptance problem - and how is demonising the Lebanese ..." 21/11/2016 10:15:32 PM
"Why do people constantly belittle the intelligence of Trump supporters. It is a generalisation to label them as unintelligent." 21/11/2016 10:04:54 PM
"Bernie Sanders said that no president alone could address the enormous problems facing working families in the US because of the unbridled power of Corporations, Wall Street and campaign donors. Why then did so many working class people believe that ..." 21/11/2016 9:48:05 PM
"News coverage of Lima APEC Conference showed PM Turnbull taking a selfie and in discussion with outgoing President Obama, however no tv footage of PM Turnbull with Chinese Premier??? No tv news of any meeting there with our biggest trading ..." 21/11/2016 9:22:02 PM
"Eric Abetz, Terri Butler and Greg Sheridan. Is Australia really so bereft of talent? Come on ABC - can we please hear some new voices." 21/11/2016 9:12:03 PM
"My question is for the ABC, the host and the panel. Depending on what stats you look at it and for what year. The average income is between $45k-$50/yr. The most common job occupation is retail. But I'd be surprised ..." 21/11/2016 8:04:12 PM
"The most interesting thing about the rise of Donald Trump has been how utterly powerless the mainstream media has been to stop it despite their vocal 24/7 bias.Do you think conservative leaders should gain courage from this and hold to ..." 21/11/2016 6:34:10 PM
"When will Australian Parliaments be capable of framing a grown-up debate on: * policies for industry, trade or population free of the oxymoronic assumption of perpetual GDP growth? * avenues of ecoonomic development that avoid unrecyclable materials and greenhouse gas ..." 21/11/2016 4:47:02 PM
"Senator Eric Abetz, as a Minister for Employment during 2013-2015, had introduced many mandatory requirements for job seekers. In my view, his policies had not made any improvements in the outcome. I feel he had assaulted the dignity of job ..." 21/11/2016 3:21:43 PM
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