Tiananmen +20
Thursday June 04th 2009, 12:00 am

NEWSFLASH: Nothing’s changed.


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Hasn’t really strengthened the case for the neoliberal argument, dominant in the ’90s, that economic growth would inevitably lead to Western style democracy, has it?

Comment by Garfield 06.04.09 @ 12:57 pm

Quite so. Seems that it’s just led to a totalitarian state where a few people have more money than they used to.

Comment by weez 06.04.09 @ 1:05 pm

Interesting how every “Communist state” ever conceived has turned into a fascist one pretty quickly. China seems to be a peculiar case where the “Communists” and the Capitalists both thought “hey, you know what? We can both hold this place hostage while we make shitloads of money”…

Comment by tp 06.04.09 @ 6:46 pm

Authoritarianism wraps itself in a lot of labels. In all cases, the contents are not as advertised.

Comment by weez 06.05.09 @ 5:59 am

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