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  want a second go at life   WANT A SECOND GO AT LIFE?

The 2007 Christmas campaign was "Want a second go at life?" It crossed several different media, with a poster, a series of radio ads, a website and an island in Second Life, the virtual world. The campaign marked our first venture into a virtual environment. The theme of the campaign was announced in the radio ads, in which people make contact with others they have wronged, and ask for a second chance at life.

The posters were available for churches to use free of charge in the weeks before Christmas, and the radio ads were placed on local radio stations with the sponsorship of local Christian groups.

To find out more about the campaign, please click the links below...

> Download the radio ads
> Download and print the poster
> Discover the Second Life island
> What the press said

Francis Goodwin, Chair of the Churches Advertising Network, said: "We all make mistakes in our lives. Some of us from time to time... others more often! One of the messages of Jesus to us was that God loves us even when we make mistakes, and by turning to him we can have a second chance at life. No one is irredeemable."