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Greens secure VET Ombudsman for exploited students

The Greens have secured support from the government to establish a Vocational Education and Training Ombudsman who will help to protect vulnerable students from exploitation, the party’s education spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has said.

“I welcome the announcement that the VET sector will finally be getting the Ombudsman that it so badly needs,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“This is an important win that will help to protect vulnerable students from exploitation in the future.

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Coalition and Labor reject Greens motion calling on WA Government to lift conditions on Marlon Noble’s release

The Coalition and the ALP have voted down a motion calling on the WA government to lift the conditions on Mr Marlon Noble’s release.

“Mr Noble lives with intellectual disability and despite not being found guilty of a crime, was imprisoned for a decade. This represents a massive flaw in our judicial system that must be resolved. Mr Noble still has conditions to his release.

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Motion: Housing affordability

Lee Rhiannon 13 Oct 2016

Senator RHIANNON (New South Wales) (15:58): I, and also on behalf of Senator Cameron, move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

   (i) Australian dwellings increased in price by 10 per cent in 2015-16, indicating a clear national housing affordability crisis, with Sydney prices increasing by 13 per cent and Melbourne by 13.9 per cent, and

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Motion: Ban political donations from banks

Lee Rhiannon 13 Oct 2016

Senator RHIANNON (New South Wales) (15:58): I move:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that the National Bank of Australia has announced a voluntary ban on all political donations to avoid perceptions of impropriety or graft; and

(b) calls on all parties and members of Parliament to refuse political donations from all banks and financial institutions to avoid perceptions of impropriety or graft.

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Senate to explore Australian ‘Battery-Boom’ potential

The potential for an Australian Battery-Boom will be analysed after the Australian Greens established an inquiry into the ‘Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World’.

“Severe storms have battered the southern states in recent weeks and we’ve seen the supply of energy in South Australia take a hit as a result,” Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“The relentless march of dangerous global warming means that these sorts of extreme weather events will only become more common in the future.

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Senate supports SA’s RET

The Senate has supported a motion endorsing South Australia’s renewable energy target, despite efforts from the Turnbull government to talk it down.

“The Senate has endorsed South Australia’s renewable energy target and the growth of wind and solar in our state,” Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“The fact that the government voted against this motion tells you all you need to know about their contempt for jobs and renewable energy in South Australia.

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Federal, state Greens statement on NSW greyhound racing ban reversal

The decision of the major parties to back the continuation of the greyhound industry in NSW is tragic. It is a setback. But in recent months there have also been considerable achievements as more people have become aware of the need to shut down this cruel industry. 

Sadly for now the suffering of thousands of animals will continue. But it is inevitable that greyhound racing in Australia will end. There are only eight countries where this cruel sport continues on a commercial scale.

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