That didn't take long. After just two months as Premier, Barry O'Farrell has shown that he is entirely capable of the shameless political trickery he denounced so piously in opposition.

We're talking the Solar Bonus Scheme and the decision to cut the household tariff rebate from 60¢ to 40¢ per kilowatt. In one stroke, O'Farrell has dudded about 100,000 punters who stuck solar panels on their roofs in the belief they had a solid contract with government, any government.

It is a grubby stunt worthy of his Labor predecessors, and if he is taking political pain for it, then good. He deserves to. Panicky fiddling at the edges with hardship compensation is lipstick on the pig.

In his new book Sideshow, the former federal Labor minister Lindsay Tanner argues that the media have dumbed-down the high art of politics to jokey entertainment.

Serious politicians are treated with suspicion and derision, and nobody gives a stuff about policy any more, Tanner says. We are all more interested in Julia's boyfriend and Tony's Speedos.

I confess that I reeled beneath one or two direct hits. But Tanner ignores two very large elephants stomping around the room. One of these jostling jumbos is the infinite capacity of politicians of all parties for pulling nasty swifties, as above.

The other is the vast apparatus erected by governments and their bureaucracies to conceal incompetence, dishonesty and failure from the media and the voters.

On balance, I'm inclined to George Orwell's view that "politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia". All right, yes, you could say the same about journalism, so please don't email me with that one.

Which brings us neatly to the hilarious news that Labor's former national secretary, Karl Bitar, has become a consigliere for James Packer, to lobby the government he once served. This is in the grand tradition of earlier party heavyweights such as Graham Richardson and Bob Hawke's spin doctor, Peter Barron, who also wound up wallowing in the Packer trough.

The difference being that they were smart operators, while Bitar is a fool who ran the NSW ALP off a cliff and almost did the same for Julia Gillard at the last election. I can't imagine why anyone in Canberra would let him back in the door.

Guess who uttered this clarion call to save the planet:

"We would be foolish indeed to ignore the accumulated scientific evidence that mankind's behaviour has contributed to the process of global warming … Australia will continue to lead internationally on climate change, globally and in the Asia-Pacific region. Not in a way that lectures and moralises, but in a way that builds support for global action to tackle this enormous global challenge …"

No, it wasn't Kevin Rudd. Nor Julia Gillard. Not Penny Wong, not Greg Combet. Not even Bob Brown. It was none other than that doughty climate warrior John Winston Howard, announcing his emissions trading scheme in a speech to the Liberal Party federal council in June 2007.

The Tories have been in headlong retreat about global warming ever since. There was a moment of sanity when Malcolm Turnbull was running the show, as he helpfully pointed out to the ABC's Tony Jones again the other day, but with Tony Abbott in charge madness reigns. They are at each other like cats in a sack.

This is partly because Abbott will always tell any audience what it wants to hear, on any subject at all. But mostly because his ranks are filled with climate change ostriches, the likes of Barnaby Joyce, Nick Minchin and the ghastly Sophie Mirabella.

More dire warnings this week from the Climate Change Commission mean nothing to them. They ignore the science and trample commonsense. Disciples of that loony British climate change denier, Lord Monckton, they believe talk of global warming is a leftie plot to destroy capitalism.

We cannot afford to tolerate this folly much longer.

BISMARCK SUNK, said the big black headline in the Herald on this very day 70 years ago, May 28, 1941. CHASE ENDS SUCCESSFULLY.

This week, thanks to some readers of last Saturday's column, I found the Bismarck survivor I had heard was living in Sydney.

He was a boy of 18 when he went to sea as a stoker in the great battleship that was the pride of Hitler's Kriegsmarine. Now, at 88, the pain of loss and defeat is still there for him. Understandably, he declined to be photographed and he asked me not to reveal his name. But, on those conditions, he talked freely.

He was never a Nazi, he told me, just a kid from an island in the Baltic who joined the navy to see the world and found himself in one of the great wartime sea chases of history. When Bismarck was hunted down and hammered by the British as she headed to occupied France, he was at his action station deep below the waterline.

On the order to abandon ship he fought his way to the carnage of the upper deck. Fires were burning out of control in a mass of twisted steel. Shells were screaming overhead and into the ship, and there were "dead bodies and half-dead bodies everywhere".

The British have always claimed they sank Bismarck by torpedo, but our survivor denies this. "She was scuttled, we sank her ourselves,'' he told me with a fierce pride. Postwar exploration of the wreck on the Atlantic floor bears him out.

Jumping overboard, he was rescued by a British cruiser, to spend the rest of the war a prisoner in Canada. On his return home in 1947 he found that "our own people treated us as war criminals".

Australia was about as far away as he could get from the troubles of Europe, and warmer too. So he and his young German bride emigrated to Sydney in the '60s, where he found work as a welder. And more importantly, peace at last.

On this 70th anniversary he will phone his old shipmates at their reunion in Hamburg, the handful who are now left of the 115 men saved from a crew of 2200.

The Germans have a word for it: Kameradschaft. It translates as ''mateship''.