Federal Politics

There is no such thing as a pro-life feminist

You can't support women's rights without supporting abortion, writes Anne Summers.

CAN anyone be a feminist? Is it a mere matter of ''I am because I say I am'', or are there (or should there be) some agreed-upon criteria so that when someone says they are, you can be confident that person holds certain views?

Maybe this is a strange question to be asking when we are supposedly living in a post-feminist era, when feminism is still mocked and trivialised by the media and (no coincidence) when young women famously assert, ''I'm not a feminist, but …'', meaning: I want the equality but not the label.

But the question has come up recently in two very different examples. Meryl Streep said on 7.30 recently that former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who she plays so brilliantly in The Iron Lady, ''was a feminist whether she likes it or not''.

You could almost hear the shrieks of disavowal around the Western world: No! No! she's not one of us.

Then last week we had the brouhaha around Melinda Tankard Reist, the Canberra-based campaigner against porn and the sexualisation of girls, who has threatened to sue for defamation a blogger who commented on Tankard Reist's failure to disclose her Christian beliefs in a recent magazine profile. The same article described Tankard Reist as one of several high-profile women who are ''redefining feminism - and making enemies in the process''. Sarah Palin was named as another. What these women have in common is their self-identification as ''pro-life feminists''. They are against abortion.

Over the past week there has been a heated discussion on Twitter and in newspaper columns about whether Tankard Reist is entitled to call herself a feminist. Interestingly, although she is published by the feminist Spinifex Press, she has had few public defenders of her claim to be a feminist.


So what is a feminist? Can you be a political conservative and a feminist? I would say, Yes. Can you be (that heavily loaded oxymoron) ''pro-life'' and a feminist. I say an emphatic, No.

Let me elaborate. Feminism might be blandly defined as the support for women's political, economic and social equality, and a feminist as someone who advocates such equality, but these general principles need practical elaboration and application. What does economic equality actually mean? How can women in practice achieve social equality? As far as I am concerned, feminism boils down to one fundamental principle and that is women's ability to be independent.

There are two fundamental preconditions to such independence: ability to support oneself financially and the right to control one's fertility. To achieve the first, women need the education and training to be able to undertake work that pays well. To guarantee the second, women need safe and effective contraception and the back-up of safe and affordable abortion.

Feminism has taken on all sorts of issues over the decades, from the need for childcare to criminalising domestic violence to the rights of sex workers. Feminism has undertaken campaigns for everything from equal pay to paid maternity leave to the need for more women in parliament. There have been debates with, for example, some supporting women in the military, others claiming women are inherently pacifist.

But whatever the differences and however the issues have evolved over the years, with new ones (like sexual harassment) emerging as we develop greater understanding of women's experiences as new barriers are broken, the fundamentals have not and will not change.

Some women might choose periods of dependence on a husband or someone else while they raise children or write a book or whatever, but the key is that this is a voluntary state. Some women may abhor abortion and never choose that option themselves but they cannot deny the choice to other women.

On these criteria, Thatcher is a feminist while Tankard Reist is not.

Thatcher supported abortion rights (including, according to Streep, attacking president Ronald Reagan for using abortion as a political tool) and while she never identified with the women's movement, nor it with her, she championed women's economic independence, scorning the idea of women as mere washers of teacups.

Tankard Reist, on the other hand, rails against the abuse of women and girls' bodies through pornography but then sanctions the ultimate assault on a woman's body: requiring her to carry a child she has decided she cannot have.

Tankard Reist might not agree with that woman's decision, but it was not hers to make. Nor is she entitled to ''redefine'' feminism. She can think and believe whatever she likes about her religion or her politics but she has no right to trample on the principles of women's equality that are still struggling for traction in so many parts of the world. Just because she says she is a feminist does not mean she is.

Anne Summers' most recent book is The Lost Mother (MUP 2010).