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Free speech defended, but minister blasts vaccination views


Dan Nancarrow

Queensland's health minister has labelled the views of controversial anti-vaccination campaigner Meryl Dorey "nonsense" but defended her right to speak at the Woodford Folk Festival.

The decision of the festival to allow the Australian Vaccination Network campaigner to speak unopposed against vaccination at a Thursday afternoon talk titled Autism Emergency - 1 Child In 38 has been widely condemned and organisers have been urged to remove her from the bill.

After reiterating the importance of vaccination to Queenslanders this afternoon, Health Minister Geoff Wilson said he did not support calls for Ms Dorey not to speak.

"The best inoculation to bad ideas is public exposure," he said.

"Rubbish needs to be exposed for what is. If people have silly ideas the maximum exposure for those silly ideas is the thing to do."

The AVN's views on vaccination were discredited by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission last year and the organisation was later stripped of its charity status by the NSW government after it refused to publish a website disclaimer warning readers the AVN's views should not be taken as medical advice.

Queensland Health chief health officer Jeannette Young said a reduction in vaccination could lead to an reintroduction of diseases such as measles and polio, exemplified by the death of young woman to diptheria earlier this year.

Dr Young said Queenslanders should not rely on the advice of Ms Dorey to inform their decision to vaccinate their child.

"If people have any concerns about what they hear from her they should got and get medical advice," she said.

"They should go and ask their own GP who they trust they know, that's where they should be getting advice about what to do about their health, not from someone who admits she doesn't have that medical expertise."

Earlier this week, Ms Dorey invited anyone who disagreed with her views on vaccination to attend her speech at the festival and put forward their case.

Premier Anna Bligh has indicated Arts Queensland would not pull its funding of the festival over Ms Dorey's appearance, saying creative control of the festival lay in the hands of Woodford organisers.

The controversy follows criticism of organisers' decision to take on mining company Santos as a sponsor of the concurrent event The Dreaming.

HuffPost Australia

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