ACT News

Two car crash on Captains Flat Road

A man in his mid-seventies remained in hospital in a stable condition on Friday after being involved in a head on crash on Captains Flat Road on Tuesday afternoon.

Two people involved in the crash were taken to hospital after NSW Ambulance arrived at the scene shortly after 2pm.

Police and emergency services were called to what was since declared a crime scene between Powell Drive and Clydesdale Road.

A man was treated for chest and arm injuries and conveyed to The Canberra Hospital in a stable condition.

The second person was taken to Queanbeyan Hospital with minor arm injuries. 

Damage to the vehicles was severe. The small car involved was close to the centre of the road follow the crash with the second, a sedan, off the road with a smashed windscreen.  

Queanbeyan station duty officer Mark Murphy was unable to confirm any more details about the two drivers but said fault in the accident had not been determined and the scene was secured.

Earlier on two Queanbeyan Rural Fire Service trucks were on the scene to manage fire risk.

Police cordoned off the road and were threading traffic through area as local detectives investigated.