
Tree change for Melbourne, as the city plans for a warmer world

The days of Melbourne's boulevards being lined with exotic elm trees are numbered. A warming climate has prompted Melbourne City Council to reassess which tree species it will plant in the future.

And rather than sticking with the European elms, the city's landmark boulevards including St Kilda Road and Royal Parade will be lined with trees that can tolerate the higher temperatures forecast in the future. But don't think that automatically means gum trees.

Dave Kendal under a Morton Bay Fig tree, a species which could become more abundant in a warmer Melbourne.
Dave Kendal under a Morton Bay Fig tree, a species which could become more abundant in a warmer Melbourne.  Photo: Eddie Jim

A report commissioned by council suggests North America's fiery foliaged red maple is a suitable candidate to replace the elms, some of which date back over a century.

Melbourne University horticultural researcher Dave Kendal said the city's mean annual temperature of 16.5 degrees had already increased by 2 degrees since the 1950s.

"These temperature shifts are quite large for trees," Dr Kendal said.


The City of Melbourne's future urban forest report found almost 20 per cent of the city's existing 375 tree species are considered vulnerable to rising temperatures.

By 2040, when conservative estimates suggest there will be a 0.8 degree increase in mean annual temperature, 35 per cent of species will be vulnerable. That will rise to more than half (62 per cent) by 2090 when a 3-degree temperature increase is forecast.

The report's principal researcher, Dr Kendal said Melbourne's tree species could tolerate a temperature range of around eight degrees. The current two-degree increase already accounts for 25 per cent of their margin.

But many of the cold-climate European deciduous trees such as the silver birch, Dutch elm, Scots pine and European beech already exist at the upper limits of their temperature range.

"Clearly this research shows that probably Melbourne was always too hot for these kinds of trees," he said.

However it's not just exotic trees which will fail in a warmer Melbourne - eucalypts have a narrower temperature range, some as little as three degrees.

Among the indigenous species the report identifies as likely to struggle in higher temperatures are the blue gum and the rough-barked Manna gum - a Melbourne local.


The natives deemed to have a long-term future in Melbourne include the broad-canopied Moreton Bay fig, the lemon-scented gum, Queensland bottle tree and bunya pine. The coast banksia, indigenous to Melbourne, has also been identified in the report as a species able to tolerate rising temperatures.

The plane trees that line many inner-city streets are likely to survive in a warmer city.

Dr Kendal's research showed the species grew well in hotter cities, including in Tehran where they are used as street trees. The Iranian capital was one of 200 global cities whose street tree inventory was examined by the researchers.

"The application of this research will lead the world in urban forest planning," lord mayor Robert Doyle said. "We will use it to make evidence-based decisions about which trees we should plant now to ensure our urban forest thrives in future decades."
