

PAX Australia plays its cards right

Wandering around Melbourne's PAX gaming expo you soon realise that it's less about what you can see and more about what you can do.

Australia's gaming community is in recovery mode today, having survived another three-day extravaganza at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Now in its fourth year, PAX Australia is still the only Penny Arcade eXpo event outside of the United States – which is a testament to both Melbourne's and Australia's place on the games development world stage.

Gamers rolling out the heavy artillery with TANKS in the tabletop section of PAX Australia 2016.
Gamers rolling out the heavy artillery with TANKS in the tabletop section of PAX Australia 2016. Photo: Adam Turner

Unlike many tech shows, PAX isn't simply a photo opportunity for the industry heavyweights to launch their latest offerings in front of the media. Nor is it just a chance for cosplayers to break out their favourite costumes. Instead PAX is a festival to celebrate gaming culture, with plenty of opportunities to get hands-on with your favourite games.

What really brings this home are the changes to this year's show layout. One half of the PAX Australia floor is dedicated to the glitz and glamour of the large booths from the major tech vendors, along with a generous section for indie game developers. The other half of the show floor is a bit more subdued – it's dedicated to tabletop board and card games, along with the retro computing section and free play PC/console areas.

There was an extensive library at hand for anyone who wanted to grab a table and take a game for a spin.
There was an extensive library at hand for anyone who wanted to grab a table and take a game for a spin. Photo: Adam Turner

This year the PAX Australia organisers significantly expanded the size of the tabletop section, but not to fit in more exhibitors or more people with things to sell. Instead that extra space was dedicated to free tables allowing people to play games – either checking out games from the library or sitting down with the game's makers and learning how to play.

Last year at PAX Australia I spent plenty of time in the retro gaming area, getting reacquainted with the original Donkey Kong arcade machine and the console games of old. This year I spent more time exploring the tabletop area and walked away convinced that, along with the indie game developer section, the tabletop area represents the true spirit of PAX.


I'll admit at first I didn't understand why you'd pay to get into PAX and then sit down to play card and board games when there's so much else to see – but the tabletop section was just as busy as the glitzy end of the show. Then I began to appreciate that these people weren't here to "see" PAX, they were here to experience things and share those experiences with others.

It's relatively easy for computer game makers to share demos online and gain feedback from players, although the indie computer game developers were clearly enjoying the opportunity to chat with players. Getting that kind of feedback and interaction is much harder when you're a card or board game developer. Looking out across PAX's tabletop section you could see a sea of exotic board games and their enthusiastic developers, all revelling in the opportunity to get some face-time with those who share their passions.

PAX Australia put aside more space this year for people wanting to roadtest tabletop games.
PAX Australia put aside more space this year for people wanting to roadtest tabletop games. Photo: Adam Turner

Chatting to the organisers, the decision to expand the tabletop area this year was driven by the demand for space – last year there just wasn't enough room for all the PAX attendees who were prepared to take a seat and sink some time into learning a new game. Even with this year's new layout you still struggled to spot an empty table.

At least a dozen tables were dedicated to Magic: The Gathering, with people on hand to teach the card game to beginners and a separate area for those who were ready to go it alone.

Old-school board games like Crokinole also got a look-in at PAX Australia.
Old-school board games like Crokinole also got a look-in at PAX Australia. Photo: Adam Turner

While I was standing there talking to the PAX staff organising the Magic: The Gathering section, a guy came along with his own deck of cards – he wasn't a beginner keen to learn, nor was he looking to buy anything. He just wanted some space to sit down and start up a game. The organisers happily escorted him to a table and helped him find a few people who were keen to play.

Having paid good money to get into PAX, all this guy wanted to do right now was sit down and play a card game that he could have played at home. To him, the point of PAX wasn't just to wander around looking at the displays, it was to sit down with like-minded people and share the experience of playing a game. Space is always tight at any show, so it's great to see the organisers dedicating more room for people who want to get hands-on rather than just look around.

Rather than just wander past exhibits, PAX attendees are happy to sit down and invest their time in strategy games like ...
Rather than just wander past exhibits, PAX attendees are happy to sit down and invest their time in strategy games like A Feast for Odin. Photo: Adam Turner

Did you make it to PAX Australia this year, or are you keen to get there next year? What do you see as the main attraction?
