Federal Politics

Research throws doubt on poll that shocked the nation

The poll that showed half of all Australians wanted to ban Muslim immigration has been excoriated by Monash University ...

New research has thrown doubt over a shock poll that found half of all Australians wanted to end Muslim immigration, with Monash University scientists dismissing the survey as "a gross simplification".

Nigeria 'takes more in oil and gas revenue than Australia'

Australia is set to overtake Qatar as the world's biggest exporter of LNG by 2020.

The governments of Nigeria, Indonesia and Malaysia - Australia's competitors in the oil and gas export sector - extract twice as much tax revenue from petroleum companies as a proportion of production than the federal and state governments combined.

Morrison signals another surplus delay

Treasurer Scott Morrison

Treasurer Scott Morrison has signalled a return to budget surplus in 2020-21 could again be delayed, with low wages growth holding back government revenue.

Dutton roof protesters cop $100 fines

Protesters who climbed onto the awning of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's office have been fined.

Three women who reportedly cost taxpayers thousands of dollars by protesting on the roof of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's electoral office in Brisbane have been fined $100 each.

End the age of entitlement - for seniors

Seniors are doing better in real terms than younger people earning the same incomes.

Australia's tax system has become skewed towards a growing and apparently untouchable group of 'taxed nots' - they are older Australians who pay roughly $1 billion per year less tax than younger Australians in the same circumstances, according to a new Grattan Institute report.

Attack on cartoonist Leak 'absolutely ridiculous', Dutton

U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants Francois Crepeau says immigration is being used as an "election ...

Politicians across the world are "taking advantage of the populist vote" and using "immigration as an election tool", making maintaining section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act more important than ever, the UN special rapporteur has found.