Uber 2.0: Autonomous and airborne

Uber 2.0: Autonomous and airborne

Uber Technologies released a white paper last week envisioning a future in which commuters hop onto a small aircraft, take off vertically and within minutes arrive at their destinations. The flyers would eventually be unmanned, according to the company.

It sounds like the opening sequence to The Jetsons, the 1962 US cartoon about a future filled with moving sidewalks, robot housekeepers and spaceflight, but Uber sees flying rides as feasible and eventually affordable.

Flying cars, like this one designed by US company Terrafugia, are central to Uber's plans.

Flying cars, like this one designed by US company Terrafugia, are central to Uber's plans.Credit:David McCowen

The company already offers helicopter rides to commuters in Brazil. It plans to convene a global summit early next year to explore on-demand aviation, in which small electric aircraft could take off and land vertically to reduce congestion and save time for long-distance commuters, and eventually city dwellers.

Others have also imagined such aircraft, akin to a helicopter but without the noise and emissions. Vertical take off and landing aircraft (VTOL) have been studied and developed for decades, including by aircraft makers, the military, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration.


Indeed, in late October aviation giant Boeing lodged a patent for a 100-seat VTOL passenger plane. The same week, reports emerged of Google founder Larry Page successfully launching a "flying car" designed by one of his subsidiary companies.

Uber is already exploring self-driving technology, hoping to slash costs by eliminating the need for drivers in its core business of on-demand rides. On-demand air transport marks a new frontier, set squarely in the future.

Uber's vision, detailed in a 97-page document, argues that on-demand aviation will be affordable and achievable in the next decade assuming effective collaboration between regulators, communities and manufacturers.

Ultimately, using VTOLs for transport could be less expensive than owning a car, the company predicted.

Such on-demand VTOL aircraft would be "optionally piloted," Uber said, where autonomous technology takes over the main workload and the pilot is relied on for situational awareness. Eventually, the aircraft will likely be fully automated, Uber said.

Hurdles include battery technology. Batteries must come down in cost and charge faster, become more powerful and have longer life-cycles.

Regulatory hurdles must also be solved, including certification by aviation regulators. There is also a need to build infrastructure in the shape of more take-off and landing sites.

Uber plans to reach out to stakeholders within the next six months to explore the implications of urban air transport and share ideas before hosting a summit in early 2017 to explore the issues and solutions and help accelerate urban air transportation.
