Daily Life

Charm offensive: A surprising red flag for domestic violence

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 Having a violent partner is now high on the list of risk factors affecting women's health according to new research by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare - but the men (and sometimes women) who end up abusing their partners don't come with health warnings.

In fact it's just the opposite. Potential abusers can be so thoughtful and charismatic that 'charm' heads the list of warning signs of a potential abuser according to Charmed and Dangerous, a guide for women at risk of domestic violence developed by the Tweed Valley Women's Service.

Charmed and dangerous?
Charmed and dangerous? Photo: Giorgio Magini

This doesn't mean all charmers are violent - it's more that charm can camouflage the controlling behaviour that's typical of abusive relationships, says clinical psychologist and family therapist Dr Karen Weiss.

"An abusive man can be charming and attentive - he can present himself as someone who knows you better than you do yourself and seems to know intuitively what you need," she says. "Abusive men may also come across as a rescuers, and that can be hard to resist for a women who is vulnerable because of some trauma in her life."

At first, women can be delighted by all the attention - it's quite seductive because they feel doted on, adds Andrew King of Relationships Australia NSW.

But what can seem romantic at first - wanting to be in touch around the clock or accompany you everywhere - can gradually turn into controlling behaviour that monitors your every move.


"Think of it as a continuum, with caring protective behaviour at one end and controlling, coercive behaviour at the other - we often don't recognise when a line has been crossed from caring to controlling because it can be so subtle," says King.

"It's like the story of the boiling frog - you put a frog into a pan of boiling water and it jumps out - but put it into a pan of lukewarm water and heat it slowly and it doesn't notice the temperature until it's too late."

But there are warning signs - like when a partner checks your text messages, tries to control where you go and who you see, puts you down in front of others and makes decisions for you that you should be making for yourself, says King.

It also helps to know what control looks like in a healthy relationship.

"There's controlling behaviour in every relationship including good ones - even healthy relationships have some degree of power struggle. But where it's highly problematic is when there's no 'I got my way this time so you get yours the next'," says Weiss, a former chair of No to Violence which works to prevent male family violence.

"Controlling behaviour becomes toxic when it's the overall pattern in a relationship. In healthy relationships issues are negotiated not assumed. You learn to suspend your own view and listen to the other person's" adds King. "You let the other person make their own choices even if you don't agree with them. "

Can abusive partners mend their ways?

"Most men can change their behaviour when it comes to physical violence because any sort of physical violence is against the law. But attitudes are a lot harder to change. For men to change their thinking and attitudes to women, they really have to work on embedded ideas of manhood and the social conditioning of patriarchal ideas about the role of women and the power of men," says Weiss.

Relationship counselling may not be the answer because it assumes both partners are coming in on an equal footing and if the abused partner isn't willing to disclose what's happening, the counsellor may not spot the problem, she adds.

What can help is education, says Andrew King.

"Relationships Australia now runs courses on healthy relationships in some high schools. "Early intervention is the essence of cultural change - if you don't start early you just end up fighting brushfires."

For women who are in or have been in an abusive relationship, Relationships Australia NSW runs a free course called Women - Choice and Change. For similar courses in other States, see Relationships Australia. The Men's Referral Service provides confidential phone counselling and referral for men affected by family violence or who may be using controlling or violent behaviour towards a partner - call 1300 766 491.
