Daily Life

'Look who wants a safe space now': Chrissy Teigen blasts Trump on Twitter

Chrissy Teigen briefly took her Twitter account off its private setting to unleash a tweetstorm directed at Donald Trump.

The US model, who switched to a private social media presence after saying she was "not strong enough" to have a public account last month, described Trump as inconsistent in his views on political correctness.

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Mike Pence gets booed at Hamilton

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Earlier on Saturday the president-elect demanded that the cast of Broadway musical Hamilton apologise to Mike Pence who attended the show on Friday night and was booed by the audience and addressed by the cast from the stage after the show.

"Wow @realdonaldtrump is right. I can't believe they would subject poor, innocent Mike Pence to such abhorrent, evil hate speech," she wrote sarcastically.

"Look who wants a f--ing safe space now. The very thing him and his supporters make fun of as liberal political correctness. God, what a POS."

The model and TV personality rattled off about half a dozen more tweets, including one in which she called Trump's presidency an "inevitable dumpster fire", before returning her account to private.


She also raised what has become frequently-referenced backlash to the amount of attention the ordeal has gotten -- that Trump is using the events at Hamilton to distract from the fact that he agreed on Friday to pay $US25 million ($34 million) to settle a series of lawsuits against Trump University.

"Donald knows very well what he is doing. He knows the Hamilton speech was NBD. He knows his tweet will fire both sides up to distract from the 25 million dollar settlement of yesterday. Most conniving human on planet earth," she wrote.

Chrissy Teigen attends the 88th Annual Academy Awards earlier this year.
Chrissy Teigen attends the 88th Annual Academy Awards earlier this year. Photo: Getty

The president-elect's tweets came after the cast of the show, which won Best Musical at this year's Tony awards and has been praised for its racially diverse cast, directly addressing Pence as he left the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York on Friday night.

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays America's third vice-president Aaron Burr, stood centrestage to speak to Pence, who the New York Times reports heard his entire message while standing in the lobby, after leaving the auditorium.

"We, sir - we - are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," he said.

"We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us."

with Reuters
