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I'll quit TPP on day one as president: Donald Trump

Donald Trump.

US President-elect Donald Trump has released a video laying out actions he'll take on his first day in office on January 20, including withdrawing the US from a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Photos1440 exhibits the power of a single moment

Dust is blown from ploughed fields near San Angelo in Texas.

There are 1440 minutes in a day but it takes great skill to get the right frame at the right time. The annual photography exhibition Photos1440 showcases the work by Fairfax photojournalists in the spirit of the 'decisive moment'.

Wall St leaps higher

Investors have boosted bets for tighter monetary policy since Donald Trump's election win.

The four major US benchmark indexes reached simultaneous records for the first time since 1999.

DB sees S&P; 500 at 2500

The longest US expansion on record stretched from 1991 until 2001, a span of 120 months. That streak will be broken if ...

It's looking more likely that Donald Trump will preside over a continuing US expansion, according to Deutsche Bank.

Chris Sandow walks out on Warrington

Plot twist: Chris Sandow did not report to preseason training.

Let the speculation of an NRL return begin, Chris Sandow has walked out on Warrington and possibly the English Super League, effective immediately.