The Body: A poem by Thomas Shapcott

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This was published 7 years ago

The Body: A poem by Thomas Shapcott

By Thomas Shapcott

The Body

The body has many duties. Lust

Author Tom Shapcott, author of Spirit Wrestlers. image supplied - portrait

Author Tom Shapcott, author of Spirit Wrestlers. image supplied - portrait

Is only one of them. Though it is close to hand

We learn the extent of things through the body.

Strange, then. That we are so constricted.

What we thought everything proves to be nothing.

Constriction is the only lesson we carry.

When we are young everything seems possible,

Even flight, but soon enough we are contained


Within the practical centre of our bodies.

So that, in old age, all limitations seem natural.

It is as if the body always held us,

A natural constriction to our widest dreams.

These days I think I am confined

Or at least held back from everything

As if what I dreamed were ever possible.

Thomas Shapcott

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