
Miki Perkins

Miki Perkins is a senior reporter at The Age who writes about social affairs. Her stories cover family violence, social trends, the status of women, families, sexuality, disability and much more. Miki has previously covered city, education, courts and general reporting.

Teisha Rose has multiple sclerosis, but has been able to work with support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

NDIS: Half signed getting disability support for first time

Glance once at Teisha Rose; you'll see a dark-haired woman walking alongside the glossy, silvered expanse of the bay, a little terrier on a lead. Look twice, and you might notice the slim black cane she uses for support on longer walks, or when she's having a tough day.

Karyn Ross and her father, Vince Ross, hold a photo of Leister.

Who was Leister Ross?

He stands in his Scout uniform, age 12, hands in pockets. Still a boy, just. The bright Deniliquin sunshine casts his eyes in deep shadow under his hat.