In the Herald: November 21, 1843

In the Herald: November 21, 1843

Dusty streets of Sydney

"Why is not George Street watered? This enquiry is being put by nearly all residents in George-street but no effort is being made to accomplish the desired object. For one shilling a week from each householder we should think three watercarts might be plying from sunrise to sunset. A good living might be obtained for three families, and the public, whether residents or pedestrians, would be greatly convenienced."

The Barrier Reef

There was news of Captain Blackwood, who had "…arrived at Swan River with the expedition under his command, on his return from his first cruise among the Barrier Reef. His exertions have been rewarded by the discovery of an excellent entrance, or gap in this almost continuous chain of coral reef, seven miles in width – the particulars of which will doubtless be given to the public on his arrival at Sydney."

Fifty pounds reward

"Whereas, on the night of Friday, the 10th, or Saturday morning, the 11th early, my trousers were feloniously taken from under my head, in bed, at the Lodging-house of Mrs Boyles, Kelso, containing twenty £50 notes by some person or persons unknown; I do hereby offer the above reward to any person who may give such information as will lead to the detection of the offender or offenders. George Kable."