Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent. A director of the National Press Club, he regularly appears on the ABC's Insiders, Sky News Agenda, and Ten's Meet the Press. He has reported from Canberra under three prime ministers and several opposition leaders.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

Playing to prejudices does politicians no credit

The initial shock of Donald Trump's election win has already given way to a second-wave effect in Australia, with policymakers adjusting their stances, toughening their rhetoric, playing to prejudices once discredited.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Foreign worker row: PM hits out at Shorten's 'rank opportunism'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has accused opposition leader Bill Shorten of hypocrisy on a breathtaking scale as the issue of foreign workers taking Australian jobs threatened to become a defining argument that could last all the way to the next election.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will announce a policy designed to force employers into more rigorous advertising to find ...

Bill Shorten vows Labor will put Australian workers first

Bill Shorten will announce a new emphasis on local employment on Tuesday, as Labor moves to protect Australian jobseekers from being replaced by overseas workers brought in by employers under skilled migration visas designed to fill holes in the labour supply.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has kept tight-lipped on speculation of a deal with the US.

We can do business, PM says after call to Trump

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has talked up Donald Trump as a deal-making businessman who is more pragmatist than ideologue as Canberra repositions for the President-elect's still unpredictable administration.