@jennynoise està bloquejat

Estàs segur que vols veure aquestos tuits? No es desblocarà @jennynoise per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Retuitat per

    This is the point at which I think, no surely not. Like ridiculous and huge if true

    Traduït de anglès per

  2. Retuitat per

    m8 of mine took her mum to the grounds of alexandria & her mum started crying coz it reminded her of lining up for milk in communist serbia

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  3. Retuitat per

    "Hmm I support his policy on total economic deregulation, but I'm a bit iffy on his policy of mandatory indentured human servitude"

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  4. Retuitat per

    Feel sorry for Australia's libertarians. They can't get any candidate who doesn't also support causes like 'total white supremacy'

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  5. Retuitat per

    The different way men and women are treated when they call out sexism |

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  6. Using forced adoption against SSM so ironic. They were adopted due to false belief children better off w 2 married christian white parents.

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  7. Retuitat per

    : : Union Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon to appear at Liberal Party fundraiser.

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  8. a man has said it now maybe someone will listen

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  9. Retuitat per

    Not so uplifting. fought against and defeated its own staff trying to unionise.

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  10. He's always held this view. That's how people develop views based on prejudice, not evidence.

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  11. ScoMo seems to think all the people of other faiths are just as fundamentalist and pig headed as he is about gay marriage

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  12. Retuitat per

    Right now Leigh Sales is literally explaining to Scott Morrison how representative democracy works

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  13. Tony's been caught taking a leek

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  14. Retuitat per

    But at least we can drink at night here?

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    • @Hayley_Gleeson

      founder / editor of . (over)thinker, doer. introvert. short attention sp... likes words, food, bikes + cats. socially awkward penguin.

    • @jackisnotabird

      Communications Director for . Head Waffler at Will It Waffle? Profile pic by

  15. epic spinmoji

  16. Retuitat per

    "I don't run a Stalinist party," said Tony Abbott 16 hours after using bureaucracy to stop his party voting on gay marriage.

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  17. Every addict's story is another compelling reason to treat drug use as health issue and not a criminal one.

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