
'They are underestimating me': aspiring doctor claims disability bias

When she was a little girl, Jerusha Mather saw many, many doctors. And none of them looked like her.  

The medical specialists in her birthplace of Sri Lanka concluded having cerebral palsy meant she would never be independent, or live a normal life. But they were wrong.

Her family migrated to Melbourne, and with intensive treatment she went to mainstream schools and is now in her second year of biomedical science.

Now Jerusha, 21, wants to become the doctor she longed to meet as a child; a neurologist with a disability, with empathy born from personal experience.

But the council that oversees the admission test (known as the GAMSAT) to study medicine at university has refused some of her requests for special consideration.

These include being allowed to sit the exam over several days to avoid fatigue. 


And when Jerusha talked to various universities about their degree she met with varying resistance, she says. Some even suggested she consider a different career path.  

So Jerusha has lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission against the Australian Council for Educational Research, alleging discrimination on the basis of her disability.

"I feel like I can bring a lot to the medical field. I can relate to patients and their struggles, and I can use my power as a doctor to help others," she says.

"It makes me sad because they are not focusing on my abilities. They are underestimating me."

Her concerns tap into a wider debate around the accessibility of the medical profession to people with disabilities in Australia, compared with places like the US and Britain.

Jerusha would like to see national debate and advocacy on the need to increase the acceptance of doctors with a disability. 

She says cerebral palsy affects her speech, which is indistinct at times, and her ability to walk on uneven ground. Movement in her limbs can be involuntary, and she fatigues easily. It does not affect her cognitive abilities. 

With the support of documents from her doctors, she asked the Australian Council for Educational Research to allow her to double the time she has for the test. She also wanted to sit it over a number of days to avoid fatigue.

The council agreed to increase her time by 25 per cent, but will not allow her to sit it over several days.

The integrity of high-stakes selection tests, such as GAMSAT, would be compromised if any candidate was permitted to sit the exams over several days, says Marita MacMahon Ball, a spokesperson for ACER.

Jerusha says this reminds her of her final years at secondary school, when she was only allowed 25 per cent extra time on her exams and did poorly as a result.

Victoria University agreed to enrol her in biomedical science despite her dismal results, and she has excelled since.

At university she is given extra time on exams and the assistance of a medically-fluent "scribe", who assists her in classes and exams.  

Denish Palipana has a spinal cord injury and has recently graduated from medical school. Supplied

Dinish Palipana recently graduated from medical school. Photo: Supplied

There are a small number of Australian doctors with disabilities, including Dinesh Palipana, 32, who is about to become the first quadriplegic medical graduate.

It took him five years to recover from a car accident in Brisbane, but he is now a researcher in a Griffith University collaboration with Harvard University to research treatments for quadriplegics.

There are many barriers for people with disabilities who want to study medicine, he said. "I don't feel disabled myself," Palipana says. "After my injury I've done more than I've ever done before, including physical challenges."

South Australian member of parliament Kelly Vincent, from the Dignity for Disability party, has been vocal about the need to create new opportunities for students with disabilities.   

There needs to be a deeper understanding of what "reasonable adjustment" means in terms of allowing students to take exams, she says.

"Unfortunately, this provision is often used as an excuse not to even find out what is 'reasonable', rather than an opportunity to change thinking. Reasonable adjustment is not about special treatment – it is about levelling the playing field," Vincent says. 

In Australia, the guidelines for studying medicine (prepared by the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand) make reference to the need for visual and hearing acuity, and gross and fine motor skills.

The medical student's association says there are numerous barriers faced by doctors with a disability, including inflexible working patterns and the stigma attached to doctors with a disability or chronic illness.

You can contact Jerusha Mather:

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